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The area surrounding the North Pole is called the Arctic region.

The area of the Atlantic Ocean popularly referred to as the Bermuda Triangle is a complete enigma and has proven to be so for much of recorded history. 通常作为百慕大魔鬼三角看待的大西洋区域是一个完全的谜而被证明具有许多的历史记录。
The area of the environment for seismicity observation shall be delimited for protection in conformity with the requirement that there be no disturbance sources in the neighborhood that affect the operating efficiency of the earthquake monitoring faciliti 地震观测环境应当按照地震监测设施周围不能有影响其工作效能的干扰源的要求划定保护范围。
The area of the graphics device to which drawing can be done, (if no smaller clipping region is set in a window graphics context). 设备区:图形设备的某个区域,用来绘制图像,(若窗口图像内容中没有更小的剪切区)。
The area on the north coast around the island's biggest city, Fukuoka, is abuzz. 围绕岛上最大的城市的北海岸区域,福冈,非常繁荣。
The area order of individual land use changes was grassland>unused land>wetland>water body> forestland> cultivated land> construction land. 结果表明:1986~2000年,源区林地和湿地面积减少54.2%和42.69%,建设用地、耕地和未利用土地面积分别增加120%、43.83%和21.1%。
The area surrounding the North Pole is called the Arctic region. 北极周围的地区称为北极。
The area that needed the most architectural intervention was a tight little corner consisting of a tiny kitchen, pantry, and guest room. 最需要进行建筑改造的地方就是一个由一间小厨房、餐具室和客房组成的紧凑的小角落。
The area was bulldozed to make way for a new road. 那片地已被推土机推平用以修筑新路.
The area was hit by a flash storm. 这一地区受到突如其来的暴风雨的侵袭。
The area was restored during the reign of Emperor Guangxu. 光绪年间改建成现在的规模。
The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. 该地区突然发生了霍乱.

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