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For the unitary push rod, can operate when switch on.

For the trust reposed in me I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. I can do no less. 对于给予我的信任,我愿意拿出时代所要求于我的勇气和坚贞。我决不会有负众望。
For the two stages brass tube with high aspect ratio, there are many challenges in the front of tool makers. 本文深引伸模具开发所应用的技术範围为多道次深引伸传送冲模技术。
For the typical global couple, such high-profile, big-money cases matter less than the three basic (and deeply unromantic factors) in marriage planning. 在典型的跨国夫妻看来,婚姻生活筹划的“基本三要素”(还有无关于浪漫的因素)要比这种姿态明确、涉及巨额财产的案例更为重要。
For the umpteenth time close the door quietly. 我告诉过你好多次要轻轻地关门。
For the unconscious skews your vision in such a manner that it may distort your conscious intent. 因为无意识以这样一种方式扭曲你的想像,所以它会扭曲你有意识的意想。
For the unitary push rod, can operate when switch on. 整体推杆,接上电源即可运行。
For the upcoming television special, Fight Science, researchers used high-tech equipment to put real martial artists to the test. The feature will air on August 20 on the National Geographic Channel. 为了即将来临的电影特技-格斗科技,研究者们使用高科技设备对真实的战争艺术进行测试,这个记录片将在8.20的国家地理频道播出。
For the updated guidelines, the USPSTF weighed the benefits (improed fertility, pregnancy outcomes, and infection transmission) and harms (anxiety, relationship problems, and unnecessary treatment of those with false-positie results) of chlamydial screeni 基于2001年推荐意见和针对2000年7月到2005年7月间发表的英语文献而配发的系统评论性文章,USPSTF在这项最新指南中权衡了衣原体筛查的利(生育力上升,妊娠预后改善,感染的传播减弱)与弊(焦虑,两性关系问题,对假阳性进行不必要治疗)。
For the urgent need of talented workers and social education, the high education of Jiangsu province, with its rapid development for years, shows the key function in the improvement of workers' quality, the efficiency of production, the transform of techn 为了满足“两个率先”的人才供给以及社会教育消费需求,江苏高等教育在持续多年的高速发展过程中,在提高劳动者素质、提高劳动生产率、促进科技成果转化、拉动相关产业、增加就业机会、促进社会公平等多方面发挥了重要作用。
For the use of beginners, this dictionary is adequate. 对初学都来说,这本字典足够了。
For the use of warning on highway, parking lot, airport, charge station residential quarter and construction site. It is convenient to take easy to install economize energy with little maintenance. 适用于公路、停车场、机场、收费站小区及施工场地的警示作用,具有携带方便、安装简单、节约能源、较少维护等优点。

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