The Monarch is normally represented at the general assembly by the Lord High Commissioner.
他们被授予圣职,王室高级代表通常代表君主光临会议。 |
The Monarch left Buckingham Palace in Queen Victoria's 1842 ivory carriage, seated next to Philip in his red tunic and bearskin hat.
女王坐着维多利亚女王的1842年象牙马车离开白金汉宫,身着红色束腰外衣、头戴熊皮帽的菲利普亲王坐在她的身旁。 |
The Mongol scenario gives you a chance to throw your weight around as the head of the Khan's mighty hordes.
“蒙古人”剧本给你机会带领可汗的强大游牧部落驰骋。 |
The Mongolia was formerly a part of China, named Outer Mongolia.
蒙古原为中国的一部分,称外蒙古。 |
The Mongolian People's Republic was proclaimed on Nov. 26, 1924 with the support of the Soviet Union.
1924年11月26日,在苏联支持下,蒙古人民共和国宣布成立。 |
The Mongolian singers will display their bold character if vigorous melody.
蒙古族歌唱家将用激昂的旋律展现出雄浑的民族风格。 |
The Mongolians are a warrior race.
蒙古民族是一个骁勇的民族。 |
The Mongols defeat a Polish and Teutonic army, but do not ravage Western Europe.
蒙古人击败了波兰和土耳其人的军队,但是没有蹂躏西欧。 |
The Mongols would harass the enemy from the sides until the latter were exhausted, then close in for the kill.
蒙古军会从四面八方不断侵扰敌人,直到敌人筋疲力尽,再包围并一举歼灭。 |
The Mongols' hero worship for Geser includes various respects such as Mongolian legend, temple, Aobao, sacrifice, Nadamu, family training and so on.
蒙古人对格斯尔英雄的信仰崇拜,集中体现在风物传说、寺庙、敖包、祭祀、那达慕、家教等诸方面。 |
The Mongrel Club will also submit our views to AFCD and concern groups attending the meeting.
本会亦将以唐狗会名义,向渔护署及与会团体提交意见。 |