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Some people might argue that it is irrational.

Some people may tell you that there are tricks or formulae you can use in the IELTS test, but that's not true. 有些人会告诉你可以用于雅思测试的窍门或者公式,那些都是假的。
Some people may think she is too wet behind the ears for the job . 有些人可能认为,她太不成熟,不适合负担这件工作。
Some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. 有些人会屈服于失败而畏缩不前。
Some people meet at work. 有的人在工作时遇到心上人。
Some people meet through chatrooms and fall in love. 有的人在聊天室相识并坠人爱河。
Some people might argue that it is irrational. 一些人可能争论说该决定不合理。
Some people might think the United Nation's secretary-general was born to lead. 可能有些人认为联合国秘书长与生具来就有领导才华。
Some people might think this is really an effort to improve your image, which has taken some hits at the antitrust trial. 一些人也许认为目前进行的反托拉斯试验活动,通过这种捐款行为可以提高你的形象。
Some people neither borrow nor lend. 有些人即不向别人借钱,也不借钱给别人。
Some people not fat actually like losing weight, but some people wantto reduce actually also cannot reduce down, really is exasperating oh! 有些人不胖却爱减肥,而有些人想减却也减不下来,真是气人喔!
Some people now easily imitate or even embrace the outward consumer trappings of our society while speaking different languages and holding vastly different cultural and religious ideals. 一些人可以轻易地模仿甚至是接受我们这个社会的外部消费特征,同时却又操着完全不同的语言,有着完全不同的宗教及文化信仰。

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