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The concert production team and I have gone to great lengths to give a performance that will be “unbelievable” and unforgettable.

The concert included works by Mozart et al. 音乐会上演奏莫扎特等人的作品.
The concert is going to start. I have to go now. Good-bye! 音乐会就要开始了,我得走了。再见。
The concert is in the Worker's Stadium. 音乐会在工人体育馆举行。
The concert might also tour across the island, and possibly internationally. 音乐会也将期待作全岛或全世界的巡迴演出。
The concert mixed rock, pop, hip hop and classical ballet and featured some of Diana's favorite acts including Duran Duran and Tom Jones. 音乐会综合了摇滚、流行乐、说唱及古典芭蕾等多种元素,杜兰·杜兰、汤姆·琼斯等戴安娜生前最喜爱的一些乐队组合和艺人也来到现场演唱。
The concert production team and I have gone to great lengths to give a performance that will be “unbelievable” and unforgettable. 我跟整个演唱会的工作团队都已经准备好要大展身手,完成一场「不可思议」而且难忘的演出了!
The concert received complimentary reviews. 这场音乐会获得了好评。
The concert was absolutely deadly. 那音乐会十分枯燥.
The concert was quite a hit in Chicago. 这场音乐会在芝加哥曾轰动一时。
The concert we attended last night was simply divine. 我们昨晚出席参加的音乐会简直是无与伦比。
The concert went over big. 音乐会非常成功。

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