Adding a paging toolbar to the bottom of the grid pane, and you're almost done.
在网格窗格的底部添加一个编页工具条,你基本上已经完成。 |
Adding a sample changer enables automatic filling to both instruments, cleaning with 2 rinsing agents and drying.
若再配上进样器则实现了两台仪器的自动进样、(用两种清洗剂)清洗和干燥。 |
Adding a seaweed extract to junk food could make it healthier without changing the taste, scientists say.
科学家们认为,在“垃圾食品”中添加一些海藻精华就可以在不改变食品原味的情况下使这些食品变得更有益于健康。 |
Adding an optional heating attachment enables you to maintain preheated samples at temperatures up to 80 °C. This allows you to fill samples which are highly viscous at ambient temperature.
选配一台进样口加热装置,则可保持预热样品的温度在80°C,这使得高粘度样品在室温条件下就能顺利进样。 |
Adding breast cancer to the list of health causes he champions, former President Bill Clinton is establishing a fund in honor of his mother, who died of the disease in 1994.
日前,美国前总统克林顿为纪念因乳腺癌去世的母亲宣布建立一所乳腺癌基金会。 |
Adding color to text and backgrounds are very simple.
为文本和背景添加颜色是非常容易的。 |
Adding cortisol into an already stressful situation for those with phobias may sound paradoxical, but Dominique de Quervain at the University of Zurich in Switzerland wanted to exploit the stress hormone's ability to block fearful memories from being form
把可体松加到已经够紧张的恐惧症患者身上听起来似是而非,但瑞士苏黎世大学的多明尼克˙克帆想在他的实验中,开发压力荷尔蒙的能力,来封阻可怕的回忆成形。 |
Adding erotic contents in children's web sites should be seriously condemned.
在儿童网站加载色情内容应受到严厉的谴责. |
Adding insult to injury, it claims that Atkins followers can also suffer headaches, constipation and bad breath.
更糟的是,据说阿特金斯的追随者们还容易头痛、便秘和口臭。 |
Adding links to non-existent articles should be done with care.
消歧义页面只有一个目的,就是让读者可以选择同名不同义的条目。 |
Adding more carbon monoxide and hydrogen to the methane produces ethane, a two-carbon molecule, and then the reaction repeats itself, adding a carbon atom each time.
再加入更多一氧化碳和氢,会形成含两个碳的乙烷,这个程序可以重复进行,每次都让碳链增加一个碳原子。 |