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The diaphragm design for extremely quiet operation.

The diamond wood tree farm was restless this morning, llf Cholm had been aware of it for about an hour but had said nothing to Auris, thinking he might be getting a summer fever or a stomach upset and imagining things and that Auris would decide they shou 钻石树农场早上就嘈嘈得不行,里夫.卡姆起初以为是自己中暑或胃绞痛引起的幻觉,忍了一个半小时也没跟奥瑞斯讲,怕她拉自己回家去,要是那样的话,又得让祖母灌一剂药。
The diamondback moth, with common names including small green worm,two-headed worm and the hanging man, is a pest often plagues Crucifer crops across China. 小菜蛾俗称小青虫、两头虫、“吊死鬼”等,在全国各地普遍发生,是为害十字花科蔬菜的重要害虫。
The diaolou are classified according to their main functions: night watch towers, residential towers and communal towers. 碉楼根据主要功能的不同可以分为:烽火碉,家碉和寨碉。
The diaphgram gauge is mainly used in oil indestry.chemical industry.pharmacy industry and so on. 隔膜表主要用于石油、化工、制药、轻纺等工业部门生产过程中的压力检测。
The diaphragm and its movements (what is making us breathe? 横隔膜与其运作(我们是如何呼吸?)
The diaphragm design for extremely quiet operation. 采用膜片设计其运作非常安静。
The diaphragm draws air into the lungs. 横膈膜向下运动让空气进入肺部.
The diaphragm is between the chest and the abdomen. 横隔膜位于胸腔与腹部之间。
The diaphragm, for example, forces the lungs to take in air. 例如隔膜肌。它带动肺部吸入空气。
The diaristic novel, Nausea, is a representative work by Sartre, the forerunner of Existentialism. 摘要日记体小说《恶心》是存在主义哲学家萨特的代表作。
The diarrhea is particularly foul smelling and is sometimes yellow in color. 排泄物通常为黄色并拌有恶臭。

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