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With a sudden turn we left the pavement and roared up a rain-soaked gravel street.

With a struggle , she controlled her feelings. 有个挣扎,她控制她的感觉。
With a study of the definition, background, present situation and the significance of the integrated cost management of URT project life cycle, this paper discusses the target, contents and methods of the integrated cost management, which covers the entir 摘要从城市轨道交通项目全寿命周期费用集成化管理研究的定义、背景、现状、意义出发,阐述了项目全寿命周期费用全要素、全过程、全风险、全方位集成化管理的目标、内容、方法。
With a study of the requirements set by the market on civil engineering professionals, this paper makes an exploration on some effective approaches to train innovative civil engineers, which aim at the market, emphasize integrated abilities, and target at 本文根据市场经济对土木工程专业人才的要求,以市场为导向,以现代整合能力为中心,以培养综合高级技术应用型人才为目标,探讨和研究新形势下土木工程创新人才能力培养的有效途径。
With a study on how to adopt home-manufactured vehicles in metro system and how to take relevant steps &measures for the production, the author suggests that special policies &management system shall be formulated in advance. 摘要分析了我国地铁车辆国产化的基础与条件;阐述了国产化实施内容、步骤及应采取的措施;并对组织领导和政策引导等方面提出了具体建议。
With a stylistically wide-ranging programme he carries the listener away into the sound-world of Vienna's legendary concert hall. 透过风格多样的独奏曲目,他引领听众进入了那传奇的维也纳大厅的音乐世界中。
With a sudden turn we left the pavement and roared up a rain-soaked gravel street. 一个急转之后,我们离开了人行道,轰叫着开上了浸透雨水的碎石路。
With a summarization of five basic types of urban railway network structure, and an analysis of their transit characteristics, the optimization of these structures and their impact on city's landscape, the author holds that, from the sustainable developme 摘要总结了五种城市轨道交通基本网络结构及运输特性,并对网络结构的优化及各种结构对城市结构的影响进行了分析,从可持续发展的角度提出了与我国需要修建轨道交通的大城市发展趋势相一致的轨道交通网络结构。
With a summary of the ways of parallel prose expression in the Six Dynasties and an argument for the lyrical degree which has been played down by traditions, the author holds that there is a change in the development of the parallel writing during this pe 摘要对骈文在六朝的抒情问题作一总体的描述,对传统所说的骈文抒情性差的问题作一反思,指出六朝骈文在情感抒发的发展中有一个从叙事抒情到代人抒情,再到以景抒情,最后发展到典故抒情的完美运用的过程,从而完成了六朝骈文抒情方式的程式化过程。
With a supple and healthy body the practitioner can readily practice meditation without the distraction of aches and pains. 具备轻快和健康身体的练习者可以准备练习冥想,没有被疼痛分心的问题。
With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds. 大气球注入压缩空气后,几秒钟就充足了气.
With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds. 大气球注入压缩空气後, 几秒钟就充足了气.

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