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His sister began weeping to go home, and Cathy stood by confounded, blushing for all.

His sincerity, deep sorrow and individual characteristics add some freshness and elegance to his style. 其沉挚深通与所恋对象的特殊性使之具有清新醇雅的文人风貌,这在艳词的历史上还是比较特出的。
His singing is top-notch. 他的歌唱是一流的。
His singing made the audience burst out laughing. He felt ashamed and left the competition hurriedly. 他的歌声引起了听众的哄笑,便羞愧得赶忙离开了比赛场地.
His single to right field as part of a two-run seventh extended the Yankees lead to 4-1. 他第七局敲出右外野方向带上到一垒,也是洋基第七局两分打点以四比一扩大领先的垒上跑者。
His sinister look frightened them. 他那阴险的神情吓坏了他们。
His sister began weeping to go home, and Cathy stood by confounded, blushing for all. 他妹妹哭着要回家,而凯西尴尬的站着,为这些而羞愧。
His sister doesn't have a backpack. 他的妹妹没有双肩挎包。
His sister had a baby boy so now he has a nephew. 他的姐姐生了个男孩,所以现在他有个外甥了。
His sister has lunch in the factory, doesn't she? 他的妹妹在工厂吃中午饭,是不是?
His sister is a hospital nurse. 他的姐姐是一个医院护士。
His sister is a thorn in his flesh. 他的妹妹使他伤透脑筋。

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