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Those who take their promise to stay together, for better or for worse; for rich or for poor; in sickness and in health; are to honor or to cherish forsaking all others until death gives us apart.

Those who survive are often physically injured and psychologically sacrred, having lost years of schooling and socialization. 那些(战争后的)幸存者/幸存的孩子们常常身心俱伤,丧失了许多年学校教育及社会交往的机会。
Those who survived the ship wreck of the Titanic were certainly lucky. 那些经历泰坦尼克号海难仍生还的人无疑是幸运的.
Those who survived the winter in the northern colony gave up and went home, and the colony established at Jamestown won the hard-earned honor of being the first permanent English settlement in America. 那些在北方殖民定居地熬过了北方殖民地的严冬活下来的人们自甘放弃,打道回府了,而在詹姆斯顿建立的拓居地则赢得了美洲第一个永久性英属殖民地的难得美名。
Those who take delight in other people's pain will suffer retribution sooner or later. 把快乐建立在别人痛苦之上的人迟早要受到报应的。
Those who take long views are broad-minded. 目光远大的人便也心胸开阔。
Those who take their promise to stay together, for better or for worse; for rich or for poor; in sickness and in health; are to honor or to cherish forsaking all others until death gives us apart. 宣誓的人发誓他们永远在一起,不论顺境或逆境,不论贫穷或富有,不论健康还是疾病,互相尊敬,互相珍惜直到死亡把我们分开。
Those who think they have no need of others become unreasonable. 那些认为他们不需要别人的人就要变得毫无理性。
Those who toil in eternity shall find riches in the dusk of time. 那些在永恒中苦干的会在时间的黄昏中找到财富。
Those who try usually pause some of the lines to run into each other, or else some of them blur or blot. 所以那些假钞上的线总是由于被弄断而互相交错,或者其它某些线模糊或有污迹。
Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the LORD, the spring of living water. 耶和华说,离开我的,他们的名字必写在土里,因为他们离弃我这活水的泉源。
Those who turn away on earth will be written down, Because they have forsaken the fountain of living water, even the Lord. 耶和华说、离开我的、他们的名字必写在土里、因为他们离弃我这活水的泉源。

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