In Mongolia minority band, Mongol four-stringed instrument and three stringed instrument are called Two Brothers, they always appear at the same time.
在蒙古族乐队中四胡与三弦还被人们称为“两兄弟”,有四胡的地方必有三弦,有三弦的地方一定有四胡。 |
In Mongolia they love green brick tea with milk, butter, flour and salt.
水是一点一点加入碗里,看的就是茶艺美人优雅动人的举手投足。 |
In Montevideo, Uruguay win the first Football World Cup.
1930年的今天,乌拉圭在蒙得维的亚夺得首届世界杯的大力神杯。 |
In Morocco, it used to be the norm for marriages to be arranged by one's parents; however, this is no longer the case.
以前在摩洛哥,子女的婚事都是由父母包办的;如今这种情形已不复存在。 |
In Morocco, trachoma has almost been completely cured in children.
在摩洛哥所有患颗粒性结膜炎的儿童已全部治好。 |
In Morse and similar codes, the short sound or signal used in combination with the dash and silent intervals to represent letters, numbers, or punctuation.
在莫尔斯或其它电码中的点短音或符号与长划及无音间隔结合起来表示字母、数字或标点 |
In Morton's lab. the researcher cuts u small nerve in the foot.
在莫顿的实验室里研究人员只在兔子脚上切下一小段神经。 |
In Moscow as soon as he entered his huge house in which the faded and fading princesses still lived, with its enormous retinue; as soon as, driving through the town, he saw the Iberian shrine with innumerable tapers burning before the golden covers of the
在莫斯科,他一走进他那栋高古的住宅(它里面住着已经憔悴和正在憔悴的公爵小姐及许多家仆)的时候,在他驶过全城,刚刚看见那金镂袈裟前面的无数烛光的伊韦尔小教堂,看见那积雪未被车子压脏的克里姆林广场,看见西夫采夫·弗拉若克贫民区的马车夫和茅舍的时候,在他一看见那些无所希冀、足不出户地虚度残生的莫斯科老人的时候,在他一看见那些老太太,那些莫斯科的太太小姐、莫斯科的芭蕾舞和莫斯科的英国俱乐部的时候,——他就觉得自己置身于家中,置身于平静的安身之处。 |
In Moscow he felt at peace, at home, warm and dirty as in an old dressing gown.
在莫斯科定居,就像穿着一种旧长衫似的,温暖、舒适、不干净。 |
In Moscow, a Kremlin-run youth movement sealed off and attacked Estonia's embassy,prompting protests from America, NATO and the European Union.
在俄罗斯首都莫斯科,一个由克里姆林宫组织的青年运动封锁并攻击了爱沙尼亚驻俄大使馆,旨在唤起美国、北大西洋公约组织与欧盟对此事件的抗议。 |
In Moscow, a luxury two-bedroom apartment will cost an expat $4,000 a month; a CD rings up at $24.83; one copy of an in[float=left][attach]12[/attach][/float]ternational daily newspaper is $6.30; and a fast-food hamburger meal totals $4.80.
在莫斯科,一套豪华两居室的月租金为4000美元、一张CD要24.83美元、一份国际性日报要6.3美元、一顿汉堡快餐需要花费4.8美元。 |