Where the subject matter is not fit for escrow, or the escrow expenses will be excessive, the obligor may auction or liquidate the subject matter and place the proceeds in escrow.
标的物不适于提存或者提存费用过高的,债务人依法可以拍卖或者变卖标的物,提存所得的价款。 |
Where the subject-matter insured is mortgaged, the mortgagor has an insurable interest in the full value thereof, and the mortgagee has an insurable interest in respect of any sum due or to become due under the mortgage.
在保险标的被抵押之场合,抵押人对抵押物的全部价值有保险利益,而抵押权人对抵押贷款合同下其所付的或应付的有关金额有保险利益。 |
Where the subject-matter is destroyed, or so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the kind insured, or where the assured is irretrievably deprived thereof, there is an actual total loss.
当保险标的完全灭失,或者损坏程度严重到不再是与原保险标的类似的事物,或者被保险人无可挽回地丧失了该保险标的者,构成实际全损。 |
Where the subject-matter is insured “lost or not lost”, and the loss has occurred before the contract is concluded, the risk attaches unless, at such time the assured was aware of the loss, and the insurer was not.
第1条在标的按“无论损失与否”条件投保,且在订立合同之前已发生损失之场合,除非被保险人在当时已知晓该损失,而保险人不知情,保险合同仍然有效。 |
Where the sum specified in a cheque exceeds the issuer's balance in the bank paying for the cheque at the time of payment, the cheque will bounce.
出票人签发的支票金额超过其付款时在付款人处实有的存款金额的,为空头支票。 |
Where the sun don't ever shine.
在那里太阳永远无法照亮。 |
Where the surety of a suretyship of joint and several liability and the creditor have no agreement on the term of suretyship, the creditor shall, within six months from the date of maturity of the principal debts, have the right to demand that the surety
第二十六条连带责任保证的保证人与债权人未约定保证期间的,债权人有权自主债务履行期届满之日起六个月内要求保证人承担保证责任。 |
Where the team owner, managers and engineers spend the race, usually under an awning to keep sun and rain off their monitors.
车队老板,工程师们比赛时所坐的位置,监控比赛的进行。 |
Where the tenderer re-tender according to the law, biders whose bids have been rendered void by the Bid Evaluation Comittee are not qualified to re-bid.
招标人依法及按本办法规定重新招标,经评标委员会评审确定为废标的投标人取消重新投标资格。 |
Where the term of the patent expires or the patent is invalidated, the patentee may not enter into a patent licensing contract with any other person in respect thereof.
专利权有效期限届满或者专利权被宣布无效的,专利权人不得就该专利与他人订立专利实施许可合同。 |
Where the third person failed to perform its obligations, thereby causing damage to the trustor, the trustee-trader shall be liable for damages, except otherwise agreed by the trustee-trader and the trustor.
第三人不履行义务致使委托人受到损害的,行纪人应当承担损害赔偿责任,但行纪人与委托人另有约定的除外。 |