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At the BeiBei plant, women huddle over a conveyor belt in frigid temperatures, gluing rubber sneakers together.

At the Annual Northern Ute Powwow, dancers circle around an American flag carried by the honor guard. 一年一度的北犹他州巫师仪式上,舞者们围着一面由荣誉守卫所持的美国国旗起舞。
At the Antwerp Olympic Games, Belgium in 1920. 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会。
At the Arctic Circle, the sun cannot be seen above the horizon in December. 12约在北极圈,无法见到太阳升出地平线。
At the Baltic Defence College in Estonia, officers from Ukraine and Georgia study alongside locals. 在爱沙尼亚的波罗的海防卫大学,来自乌克兰和乔治亚苏维埃社会主义共和国的军官们在当地学习。
At the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the mortal races of Azeroth banded together in a desperate bid to stall the advance of the Burning Legion. 在海加尔山的战斗中,艾泽拉斯的凡人种族们在绝望中团结起来,共同抵挡燃烧军团的入侵。
At the BeiBei plant, women huddle over a conveyor belt in frigid temperatures, gluing rubber sneakers together. 在贝贝公司,妇女拥挤在寒冷的传送带周围粘橡胶旅游鞋。
At the Beijing Railway Station. 在北京火车站。
At the Berezina River, the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river. 在别列兹那河,俄国人焚烧了涨水的河道上的桥梁,差点将后撤的法军困于河边。
At the Cannes film festival every year, the Institute holds a conference on audiovisual law. 在每年的嘎纳电影节上,该机构主持有关音像方面的会议。
At the Chicago Board of Trade, or CBOT, futures have always been traded using the open outcry system. 在芝加哥期货交易所,或者CBOT,期货一直以来都是以公开竞价的方式进行交易。
At the Chinese history cultural heritage protection level, the historic towns belong to historical culture protectorate category, which is a kind of precious historical culture resources. 摘要在我国历史文化遗产保护的层次中,古镇属于历史文化保护区的范畴,是一种宝贵的历史文化资源。

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