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Whether the disease occurred and was prevalent in this area was relative to climatic factors including relative humidity, temperature and rainfall, etc., and integrated control measures of the disease was discussed.

Whether the characters succeed or fail is irrelevant. 而角色成功或者失败反倒没那么重要了。
Whether the colonels slept or not is somewhat immaterial, for by early 1947 the so-called truce in China's civil war had become little more than a ghastly legend. 那些上校们是否上班时睡觉,这并不重要,因为到了一九四七年初的时候,中国内战的所谓停战已经被破坏无遗了。
Whether the consumers benefit or suffer from the recent cut-throat competition among the supermarkets has not yet known. 最近超市间的割喉式竞争,对消费者是得是失,还属未知之数。
Whether the corollary is that we should all imagine ourselves to be engaged in secret affairs with everyone in the office, she does not say. 照此推论,我们是不是都应该想象自己与办公室里的同事发生了秘密恋情?
Whether the decrease in bioavailability is of such a magnitude to cause a reduction in the action of digoxin is unclear. 尚不清楚生物利用度的降低,是否达到能减弱地高辛作用的程度。
Whether the disease occurred and was prevalent in this area was relative to climatic factors including relative humidity, temperature and rainfall, etc., and integrated control measures of the disease was discussed. 初步明确影响本地区叶枯病发生流行的气象因子,主要有相对温度、温度、降水量等,并提出了相应综合防治措施。
Whether the dynamo operates globally (rather than in limited regions) would depend on whether the star's rate of rotation was comparable to its rate of convection. 是否能让整个星体成为一部发电机(而非在小块区域内各自产生发电机作用),端看这颗星球的自转速率是否和其对流速率相当。
Whether the elections actually come to pass depends mainly on two men: the Rev Ian Paisley, hardline leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), and Mr Blair himself. 选举是否通过主要取决于两个人:民主统一党的强硬领导人伊恩?佩斯利牧师和英国首相布莱尔。
Whether the end comes in some climactic gurgle or more likely ,in a succession of dizzyinglydestabilizing shortages ,temporary sluts ,and deeper shortages ,the oil epoch is ending. 最后一滴石油是否会在某种高潮下嘎然而止,或者还可能是在一系列令人头昏目眩匮乏摇摆之中,暂时过剩,而后又是更严重不足,但不管怎样,石油时代正在逐渐地结束。
Whether the fallen trees were burned or left to rot, their carbon would have soon oxidized and ended up in the atmosphere as CO2. 砍倒的树无论是遭焚烧或任其自行分解,植物的碳都会氧化、最后以二氧化碳的形式进入大气中。
Whether the feudal system of the Reich, where the King formally was the top of the so-called \feudal pyramid\, was a cause for or a symptom of the Empire\'s weakness, is unclear. 不论帝国的封建制度,国王在形式上总是在所谓的“封建金字塔”的顶端,这就是帝国的弱点的征兆或者原因,是不清楚的。

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