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Based on the characteristics of measurement safety inspection system for railway freight transportation under the condition of electrification and informationization, the essay the nessity to apply lightning proof by modern proof theory, and introduces th

Based on the characteristic of the coupling objects it optimizes the decouple parameters, and the simulation result proves that the decoupling optimized algorithm compensates the hydraulic system lag, achieves the best collection efficiency, and enhances 并根据耦合对象的特性,进行去耦优化,仿真结果表明该去搞优化算法能补偿液压系统滞后特性,独立进行集扩头高度最优调节,达到最佳集矿效率,提高行走稳定性。
Based on the characteristic of the grotto rock reinforced by prestress anchor cable, taking three typical engineering sections in Yulin grotto in Anxi county Gansu province, as examples, the simultating computation for the displacement field and stress fi 摘要根据锚索加固石窟岩体的特点,以甘肃安西榆林石窟的三个典型的工程段为例,通过动力有限元的方法对地震荷载作用下预应力锚索加固石窟岩体的位移场、应力场的模拟计算,得出了其动态响应和变化规律。
Based on the characteristics of English speech words and the implicature control theories, this thesis discusses the control of the implicating degree and the implicating quality in English speech words via diction and sentence structure, with the view to 摘要结合演讲本身的特点和含意控制理论诠释如何通过遣词造句对英语演讲词实现含意化程度和性质的控制,从而提高英语演讲质量、英语语用能力和鉴赏能力。
Based on the characteristics of Machine Designing Course, this paper presents a certain feasible ideas about course innovation, viz. employing of vivid CAI software to arouse the students' interest in professional course, helping them teach by themselves, 摘要就机械设计课程特点,提出了一些可行的专业课教学改进思路,即:以生动形象的CAI课件提高学生对专业课的兴趣,引导学生自学,强化学生实践能力。
Based on the characteristics of hollow wave guide for CO2 laser delivery, a cone-shaped wave guide coupler system was designed and fabricated in this work. 摘要针对CO2激光传输用空芯波导的特点,设计、制备了锥形空芯波导耦合器系统。
Based on the characteristics of measurement safety inspection system for railway freight transportation under the condition of electrification and informationization, the essay the nessity to apply lightning proof by modern proof theory, and introduces th 摘要针对电气化、信息化条件下铁路货运计量安全检测系统的特点,利用现代防雷理论分析对其进行雷电防护的必要性,并对其综合防雷技术进行了相应介绍。
Based on the characteristics of molecular structure, dyeing matrixes and adjacent matrixes are used to characterize molecular structure, and a new method, the group bond contribution method, is developed to predict the refractive indexes of alkane from th 摘要根据分子结构的特点,通过用染色矩阵和邻接矩阵对分子结构进行矩阵化表徵,发展了一种根据分子结构信息预测烷烃折光指数的新方法-基团键贡献法。
Based on the characteristics of music, rhythm and tune of composition, the article tries to demonstrate how to cultivate musical expression power with piano teaching in normal college. 摘要本文拟从高师钢琴教学中涉及的音乐特征、乐曲节奏和乐曲旋律等三个基本方面入手,讲述高师钢琴教学中学生音乐表现力的培养。
Based on the characteristics of natural gas generation anddistribution as well as the that of formation pressures in the east part of Sichuan Basin,migration and accumulation mechanism of natural gas in Silurian-Carboniferous petroleum system in the area 根据川东地区石炭系、志留系天然气藏的形成与分布特点,结合地层压力分布特征,探讨了该区志留系—石炭系含气系统的天然气运移聚集机理,提出该系统具有箱外成藏和箱内成藏两种模式。
Based on the characteristics of radiographic testing images, conventional algorithms for their contrast enhancement were introduced, including global algorithms such as linear or non-linear gray stretch, histogram equalization or modification, and adaptiv 摘要根据射线图像的特点,介绍进行射线图像对比度增强的常用算法,包括线性和非线性的灰度拉伸、直方图均衡和修正等全局对比度增强方法,以及自适应局部增强方法。
Based on the characteristics of silicon whisker, the research on the modification of PA6 by silicon whisker SiO2-JX was made, and the result showed that the tensile strength, impact strength, Brinell Hardness, and heat resistance increased with the increa 摘要利用晶须矽纤维状的特性,对其填充于龙玻纤改性进行研究,结果表明,随晶须用量的增加,材料的拉伸强度、冲击强度,布氏硬度、耐热温度均得到提高;晶须矽可取代短玻纤使用,提高热变形温度、消除玻纤外露,降低收缩率及生産成本等。

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