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Tens of thousands of Venezuelan women marched on International Women's Day to the U.S. embassy in Caracas to demand an end to the Iraq war.

Tenosynovitis often happens around hand and wrist, and de Quervain's disease is due to inflammation of the synovial sheath surrounding extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus at the radial stuloid process level. 摘要手、腕部是全身最容易发生腱鞘炎之处,其中又以狄魁文氏狭窄性腱鞘炎最常见。
Tens of millions flooded to America's shores from Europe between 1880 and the First World War. 从1880年到第一次世界大战,有几千万人从欧洲涌上美洲海岸。
Tens of millions of dollars in Flag Telcom’s Falcon Cable System . 数以千万计的电信旗的猎鹰有线系统.
Tens of thousands of Iraqi and U.S. troops have spread across Baghdad in a major security crackdown in the Iraqi capital. 数万的伊拉克和美国部队部署到伊拉克首都巴格达全城,进行重大安全行动。
Tens of thousands of Nepalese have held a victory rally in Kathmandu after King Gyanendra agreed to reinstate parliament, but another large crowd demanded he leave the country. 数万尼泊尔人在国王贾南德拉同意恢复议会后聚集在首都加德满都市举行胜利集会,但另外一场集会则要求国王离开尼泊尔。
Tens of thousands of Venezuelan women marched on International Women's Day to the U.S. embassy in Caracas to demand an end to the Iraq war. 数万委内瑞拉妇女于三八国际妇女节向加拉加斯美国大使馆前进,要求美国结束伊拉克战争。
Tens of thousands of demonstrators hit the streets yesterday in protest against the proposed anti-subversion law, in the biggest public march since the handover. 数以万计市民昨日上街游行,抗议政府就基本法第二十三条立法,这是自回归以来最大型的游行。
Tens of thousands of dogs have been culled since the eradication campaign began in August. 自8月打狗运动以来,数万只狗被根除。
Tens of thousands of dollars worth of pensions were being deposited monthly into bank accounts of the deceased, The Hindustan Times said. 数十万美元的年金每个月都会被存入已往生者的银行帐户中,印度斯坦时报说。
Tens of thousands of elderly survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, children and dignitaries gathered Monday at the city's Peace Memorial Park to mark the 62 anniversary of the tragedy and to remember the more than 250,000 people who ultimately die 广岛原子弹爆炸中生还的成百上千的老人,还有孩子和达观贵族周一齐聚和平公墓几年悲剧的62周年,并缅怀最终死于核爆炸的2万多人民。
Tens of thousands of evacuees from New Orleans have been pouring into Baton Rouge and other nearby areas with stories of chaos, suffering and violence. 成千上万的人从130公里外的新奥尔良涌进巴吞鲁日和附近地区,他们经历了混乱、艰辛和暴力。

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