December 16, 2005 -- ATLANTA — There was a New York basketball celebration in late July when Larry Brown was hired. Twenty-one games into Brown's first season, delirium has turned to disgust.
在七月末的时候,当拉里布朗刚就职尼克斯教练时,纽约篮球界举办了一个庆功会,但在他执教了21场比赛之后,大家的兴奋情绪变成了反感。 |
December 17-20, 2007 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, (ICDCIT) 4th, Bangalore, India.
2007年12月17-20日分布式计算和网络技术国际会议,(ICDCIT)第四届,印度,班加罗尔。 |
December 2012 is the end-date projected by Jose &Lloydine for the Mayan calendar.
琼斯和劳埃德在玛雅历法中计算了2012年12月计划的完结日。 |
December 20th 2005, Putian Gas Power Plant and other two plants received NDRC's approval.
12月20日,国家发改委核准批复莆田等三个燃气电厂项目。 |
December 22 is the shortest day in the year.
十二月二十二日是一年中最短的一天。 |
December 24th is Christmas Eve.
十二月二十四日是圣诞夜。 |
December 25th in 2005, I esteem highly most of a boon teacher Wu ying xiang professor walk, tumbling down in the megalith of my that Chinese Orchids altar in the heart!
2005年12月25日,我最敬重的一位恩师吴应祥教授走了,在我心中的那块中国兰花坛上的巨石倒塌了! |
December 31 is the last day of the year. People get together to celebrate it.
十二月三十一日是一年的最后一天,人们聚在一起庆祝。 |
December 31, 2006 -- As the Yankees work toward unloading Randy Johnson, they are trying to reload their farm system, which may one day put them in position to land a younger version of the Big Unit.
洋基目前正在进行巨怪的交易,他们并尝试厚植他们的农场实力,可能有一天让年轻的选手来取代巨怪。 |
December 31st - Goblet of Fire soundtrack in top 10 of 2005.
12月31日–电影火焰杯的原声获得2005电影原声前10。 |
December 4, 1791 Founded on December 4, 1791 and still being published today, the English newspaper, The Observeris the oldest Sunday newspaper in the world.
英文报「观察报」自1791年12月4日创刊发行至今,是历史最悠久的周日报。 |