Mankanga Ismail, who planted hybrid trees about six years ago.
当地的每棵树能产5-6捆小果肉果实。 |
Mankind appropriates about a quarter of what is known as the net primary production of the Earth (this is the plant tissue created by photosynthesis)—a lot, but hardly near the point of exhaustion.
人类消耗了1/4的被称作地球主要净产出的产品(由光和作用产生的植物组织),虽然很多,但离耗尽还远得很。 |
Mankind can not live on the moon where there is no air and water.
人类无法在月球上生存,那里没有空和水. |
Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it.
人类对于不公正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。 |
Mankind faces “a planetary emergency”, he said; “a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilisation and the habitability of the Earth.
他说人类正面临“星球危机”,“一个威胁着人类文明延续和地球可居住性的紧要关头”。 |
Mankind has become the tools of tools.
20人类已经成为工具的工具了。 |
Mankind have been trying every means to maintain the balance of nature.
人类采用一切手段保持生态平衡。 |
Mankind have even comimitted the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise.
人类甚至对神不敬,说神也有类似的欲望;在他们的想象中,神对赞扬之声,也是如饥似渴。 |
Mankind is again at an important historical juncture when it is about to enter a new century and a new millennium.
人类又来到了一个新的世纪之交和千年之交的重要历史时刻。 |
Mankind is experiencing a global scientific and technological revolution.
人类正在经历一场全球性的科学技术革命。 |
Mankind is just the dominator of world, robot assists merely the human life and production that carries out society.
人类才是世界的主宰,机器人只是来辅佐人类进行社会的生活与生产。 |