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It is the success (or not) of these businesses that will determine whether RBS stays in China for the long term, or aborts its bold experiment and cashes in its paper gain.

It is the stationary part (stator) in a revolving-field generator. 电枢是旋转磁场交流发电机的不动部分(定子)。
It is the story of Charlie, a thirty-two-year-old man whose IQ is only 68. 故事的主角是一位名叫查理的男子,32岁的他,智商只有68。
It is the story of a man, not so unlike ourselves, who has lost his vision of oneness with those around him. 此书讲述了一个人的故事,他跟我们没有什么不同,但是已经不能融入他周围的环境了。
It is the strongest assurance that recovery will endure. 这是复兴得以持久的最有力的保证。
It is the subject of television documentaries and newspaper and magazine articles. 这个词现在在日本很流行,常在电视、报纸和杂志等媒体中报道。
It is the success (or not) of these businesses that will determine whether RBS stays in China for the long term, or aborts its bold experiment and cashes in its paper gain. 这些业务的成功与否,将决定苏格兰皇家银行是将长期留在中国,还是会中断自己的大胆试验、变现账面收益。
It is the supreme philosophy. 它是最高的哲学。
It is the surge in fibre optic use and in liquid crystal displays that has set the U.S. glass industry (a 16 billion dollar business employing some 150,000 workers) to building new plants to meet demand. 光纤应用的巨浪是在液晶显示中美国玻璃工业(一个160亿美元的企业雇用了150000个工人)提出的去建造一个新车间去适应需求。
It is the symbol view point of the K?nigsee, a red roof church. 这是国王湖的标志性景点——红顶教堂!
It is the tallest ancient wood pagoda in the world, and the only extant wooden pagoda in China. 其体形高大,结构复杂,轮廓优美,是中国古代木构建筑的代表作。
It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system― ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society. 治国之才的任务,是在我们民主制度的原则范畴内,塑造、平衡和融合这些和其它新旧力量──始终以实现我们自由社会的最高目标爲目的。

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