Create special time to be alone together.
增加两人独处的时间。 |
Create stimuli tailored individually for each participant capturing the gist of a unique, specific event in the participant when he/she sees them inside the scanner.
3捕捉每个受试者在扫描器器内看到的一个独特事件的要点,分别针对每个人建立刺激。 |
Create successive duplicate frames and add motion as shown.
复制一个最终帧,并如下添加动作。 |
Create sufficient documentation for TE.
建立完备的文件资料。 |
Create the high-quality business environment, the need that to adapt the economic development of 21 centuries, arouse with the reasonable design peripherally an overall alignment modernization, make it become the Kingsoft area a scenery line of beautiful.
创造高品质的商务环境,以适应21世纪经济发展的需求,以合理的设计带动周边地块全面走向现代化,使之成为金山区一道靓丽风景线。 |
Create the limitless realm on the limited space.
在有限的空间创造无限的境界。 |
Create top lid of the box similarly.
使用同样的方法给盒子画个盖。 |
Create two checklists for travel — one for the office and one for home.
为旅行安排两个点检表-一个用于办公室一个用于家庭。 |
Create two text files on hard drive. Create program that compares them and displays the result of the comparison.
请问下这道题到底是什么意思啊?可以同时读两个文件? |
Create your own folder (folder name in English).
在内请自行建立资料夹(资料夹请用英文名称)。 |
Create your own funky furni designs with the awesome Modules or sit back and chill out retro style with the Egg Chairs.
用这些组建来设计你自己的家具或是在蛋形椅子上坐下小憩。 |