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But as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point, its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface.

But as the days pass they sweat even more, their salt loss diminishes, both skin and internal temperatures drop, and their endurance improves. 但过些日子,他们汗流得更多,但盐分流失减少,皮肤与体内温度均下降,耐力升高。
But as the days passed and he missed seeing more sights, his envy eroded into resentment and soon turned him sour. 但随着日子一天天地过去,他错过的景色越来越多,他的嫉妒不久就转变成了憎恨,这种憎恨令他发狂.
But as the first train on the world's highest plateau set off for the remote Himalayan region of Tibet from Beijing in the northeast, Chengdu in the south and Golmud in the northwest, criticisms paled amidst jubilation . 可是,当首列行驶在世界最高高原的火车,从中国东北部的北京、南方成都与西北部葛尔木出发,前往西藏的偏远喜马拉雅山区时,这些批评声浪在欢乐的气氛中也几乎「消失」了。
But as the games got under way, it became clear that what the organisers had not bargained for was stormy weather. 但在比赛正式开始之后,人们才逐渐看清,真正让赛事组织者始料不及的其实那种是突如其来的暴风雨天气。
But as the industry matures and interoperable standards emerge, it is likely that the biometrics hardware and software used for one application could equally well be used for others. 但随着行业的发展成熟与共同标准的出现,很可能将来同一个生物识别设备或软件能够用在这里,用在另一处也行。
But as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point, its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface. 由于纸在笔下来回运动,纸的表面就会用墨水记录下地板运动的情况。
But as the president of China, Hu Jintao, arrived here Monday night to shore up relations between his nation and India, the territorial disputes were no longer the main focus of their relationship. 但当中国主席胡锦涛于星期一夜间抵达这里以支持中印交往时,领土之争便不再是两国关系的主要焦点了。
But as the quantity increased, the benefit decreased. 但是,饮用咖啡数量越多,好处越少。
But as the riper should by time decease, 既然成熟的东西都将随着时间流逝,
But as the song surged up in increasing loudness, even the most timid lost their fear and joined in, and all the things that King had said at the meeting in the ballroom, things that they hadn't believed or had only half-believed, became suddenly and powe 对任何市场的控制达到这样的地步都不可避免会给社会带来负担,这负担虽然隐藏不露,其代价却可能是难以估量的。
But as the species seemed to bury its dead they eliminated an ape race. 但是由于该种类好像是埋葬它的尸体,因而他们排除猿的可能。

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