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Prevalence of adult cigarette smoking 37 percent.

Pretty woman, stop awhile. 漂亮的女人,不要一旁.
Pretty young women sashay across stage, thoughtfully answer questions and perform dances but the Rabin Ajaw pageant, which picks Guatemala's Maya Indian beauty queen, is no typical beauty contest. 在选美大赛上,人们看惯了参赛佳丽摇摆着穿过舞台,机智地回答提问,自信地展现才艺……然而,危地马拉近日举行的玛雅印地安人选美大赛绝非一场普通的选美赛。
Prevailing in the world of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), virtual reality and gaming environment, 3D models become more and more common feature of nowadays multimedia. 主要研究工作:随着在CAD、虚拟现实和游戏场景中的广泛应用,三维模型成为了一种越来越常用的多媒体角色。
Prevailing views about the causation of postpartum depression reflect a multifactorial theory in which all of the selected factors contribute. 本文将这些病因假说归类为人口学因素、妇产科史因素、生物因素、精神病理因素、社会文化因素以及社会心理因素。
Preval's government has taken some steps to deal with the crime issue: A former police official was appointed to serve as the national security undersecretary, the prime minister has promised a “carrot and stick” approach to reduce violence and the police 浦雷华政府已采取一些措施对付此项犯罪议题:一名前警官已被任命为国家安全部副部长,总理亦承诺将利用“软硬兼施”的手段来减少暴力行为,而警察局局长也出言反对涉嫌受贿而让嫌犯未经起诉就释放的司法系统。
Prevalence of adult cigarette smoking 37 percent. 成人吸烟者的患病率达37%.
Prevalence of adult cigarette smoking drops to 24 percent. 成人吸烟患病率下降至24%.
Prevalence, on its own part, has no guilty to be blamed. 流行就其本身来说没什么好受到指责的。
Prevenint primier recognize a politician who have far-sight. 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
Prevent Bedsore - Smooth the blood circulation of ending nerve; Reduce the nerve ache; Prevent the patient who is sick abed in long-term and occurs bedsore. 使末梢神经血液循环顺畅,减少坐股神经酸痛,长期卧床的病人,不易生褥疮。
Prevent Virus/hacker attacking to server and PC. 防止病毒和黑客软件对服务器和电脑的攻击。

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