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Respect and honour. Respect and honour.

Resources on the network focus on the cultivation of students' autonomous learning ability, while classroom teaching would rather provide them an opportunity to enhance their all-around qualities than create an environment to input language knowledge. 校园网上的英语教学软件重在培养学生自主学习习惯,而课堂教学不仅为学生获取语言提供输入场所,更是提高学生综合素质的主渠道。
Resources should be exploited moderately. 开发资源要适度.
Resources should be moderately exploited. 开发资源要适度。
Respect all players and have fun. 尊重所有的玩家,祝你玩得愉快。
Respect and care for everyone. Don't abandon anyone. 尊重主体,面向全体,从最后一名学生抓起。
Respect and honour. Respect and honour. 尊重与荣耀!尊重与荣耀!
Respect copyright, fair use and financial disclosure laws. 遵照知识产权,公平使用,并遵循财务揭露相关法律。
Respect for others' opinions is universal. 不管在哪个国家都需要尊重他人的观点。
Respect for the notion of others is a scientific attitude. 尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。
Respect forum moderators, they all work to make this a better place for free. 十、尊重版主,他们在努力将这里建设的更好,并保持免费服务。
Respect is an energy which connects up to heaven and down through earth; gratitude is an energy that allows the energy ball to form; confidence is an energy that awakens the power from the center point. 尊敬心就是通天贯地的能量;感谢心就是让能量团成形的能量;信心就是让中心点启动,生出力量的能量。

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