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Just browse to your half-life or counterstrike directory, and point it to the original hl.exe.

Just believe, that if you begin and are faithful, and bow in silence before God, He will reveal Himself to you. 不要想,我不知道要如何花时间,只要相信说,如果你开始忠心的在安静中俯伏在神面前,他就要向你启示他自己。
Just between the two is the coolness of love. 而爱的清凉就在这两者之间!
Just breathe in that ozone! 呼吸以下新鲜空气吧!
Just breathe in that ozone! 吸吸那种新鲜空气吧!
Just bring your kids to join in our coming Easter carnival! 欢迎各位家长携小朋友前来现场加入我们的春日狂欢!
Just browse to your half-life or counterstrike directory, and point it to the original hl.exe. 你可以浏览你的半死目录或者你的半死目录,并指定该文件。
Just buzz off and leave me alone! 走开, 让我清静一下!
Just by democratic means, the power can be in the hands of the poor, and we can create a society which is classless, where everybody's needs can be fulfilled. 仅仅通过建立民主政体,权力就能掌握在穷人手里,然后我们就能够创造一个没有阶级的社会,在这样的社会里,每个人的需要都能够得到满足。
Just call him and tell him I want to be a mime. 给他打电话,跟他说我想当哑剧演员。
Just call me Joseph. Will you please come into my house? I want to introduce you to my wife and children. 叫我约瑟夫好了,请到我家里坐坐好吗?我想向你介绍我的太太和孩子。
Just call me by my surname, cut out the Mr. 就叫我的姓吧,去掉先生二字。

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