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On the action of magneto mechanical coupling of rotating magnetic field generated by turning of exterior driver, robot was spun to generate propulsion in axial direction under the function of fluid dynamic pressure distributed on spiral surface of the rob

On the Web, you navigate through pages of information according to your interests. 在网页上,你可以根据自己的兴趣爱好,翱翔于所感兴趣的信息之间。
On the Wednesday before each recitation section, a topic for discussion will be posted on the web site. 在每次复习课进行前的星期三,讨论的题目将会被公布在网站上。
On the Y axis, identify the damage effect of the system: loss of comfort, loss of discretionarymonies, loss of essentialmonies (e.g., going bankrupt), or loss of life. 在Y轴上,确认系统损坏的影响:舒适程度下降,明显的经济损失,根本性的经济损失(比如破产),或者丧命。
On the above-mentioned basis, the analysis was made entirely for the evolution of short-term patterns of underground water before M55. 0 shocks which took place since 1985 in North China, so the discriminative criteria of anomaly zones and the characteris 在此基础上,对1985年以来华北地区5级以上地震前的地下水位短期图像演化情况做了全面分析,提取出了判别异常区的指标以及地震短期异常区的演化特徵,并最终建立了华北地区强震前地下水位短期前兆的判别标志。
On the academic front, development progressed just as quickly and smoothly along the terms of the service agreement with Imperial College. 亚洲科技大学与英国帝国大学紧密合作、共同发展,致力于走在科技理论的前沿。
On the action of magneto mechanical coupling of rotating magnetic field generated by turning of exterior driver, robot was spun to generate propulsion in axial direction under the function of fluid dynamic pressure distributed on spiral surface of the rob 通过外驱动器的旋转产生旋转磁场,借助于磁机耦合作用,驱动机器人旋转并在其外螺纹表面形成的流体动压力作用下产生轴向推力,进而实现胶囊式机器人在肠道内旋进。
On the adjoining page we hand you an indent for various line, which please ship at once. 我们已将委托购买的各种商品在附页列明,请立即发运。
On the adjoining page we hand you an indent for various lines, which please ship at once. 我们已将委托购买的各种商品在附页列明,请立即发运。
On the advertising side, it means post-production, animation and special effects. 在广告方面,‘先涛’也代表了后期制作,动画和特技。
On the afternoon of Apr.2nd, the personnel of campus hospital are rehearsing the team gymnastics. 图为4月2日下午,校医院工作人员正在进行运动会团体操表演的排练。
On the afternoon of August 14, 2003, electricity failed to arrive in New York City, plunging the eight million inhabitants of the Big Apple—along with 40 million other people throughout the northeastern U.S. and Ontario—into a tense night of darkness. 2003年8月14日下午,美国纽约市突然停电,800万纽约市居民,加上美国东北角与安大略湖附近4000万人,全都陷入黑暗又紧张的夜晚。

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