Blades of grass cascading along hillsides looked a brighter shade of green.
从山坡飘下的片片青草,看上去绿得抢眼。 |
Bladesinger will receive two point addition to defence for every crossed tile.
剑吟者将获得每走一步得到2点额外临时防御的奖励。 |
咳!表示不喜欢,不赞成. |
Blah, blah, blah. Back and forth. Same old, same old. I was hoping we could avoid this stuff again, but here we go again, I'm sure.
废话,废话,废话,来来去去,还是老样的。虽然我希望我们能够再次避免这种做法,但是我们还是再次同样地做了,我确定。 |
Blair County Judge Hiram Carpenter III granted the annulment, meaning under Pennsylvania law at least, Tremmel was never married to Wert, 35.
法官允许了阿尔玛废止婚姻的请求。至少,宾夕法尼亚州的法律不承认阿尔玛和温特的婚姻。 |
Blair has said he will step down as prime minister before September.
布莱尔表示,他将在今年9月之前离任。 |
Blair is unlikely to roll back any of the previous ruling party's major economic reforms.
布莱尔看来不可能从上届执政党推行的任何重大经济改革中退缩。 |
Blair leaves office Wednesday after 10 years in power, handing over to his Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown who succeeded him as head of the Labour Party.
任职十年的布莱尔首相将于本周三离任,财政大臣戈登·布朗将接替他担任工党领袖。 |
Blair promised after his party won an uprecedented third election in May 2005 that he would step down before the next general election, which must take place no later than in 2010.
2005年5月,工党在大选中第三次成功当政后,布莱尔承诺自己将在2010年下届大选前离职。 |
Blair said Jackson was issued a 90-day deferral on his jury service while he completed paperwork notifying the court of his move.
布莱尔还表示,法庭已同意杰克逊履行陪审团服务的日期向后推迟90天,同时,他已经完成了相关书面工作,通知法庭他的动向。 |
Blair said he had learned to live with taunts of being Bush's poodleor lapdog.
布莱尔说,他已经习惯了别人嘲笑自己为布什的“哈巴狗”。 |