Purchaser shall not bear any liability for payment of taxes in respect of the above.
无论以上如何条件,买方都不应承担任何付税责任。 |
Purchasers are respectfully requested to come early to prevent disappointment.
请各位早日光临,勿失良机。 |
Purchasers of domestic animals shall drive and graze them along designated routes and may not contend with herdsmen over grazing grounds or water resources.
收购牲畜应当按指定的路线赶运和放牧,不得与牧民争用牧场和水源。 |
Purchasers who prefer delivery via post should be prepared to take all risks associated with mail delivery.
选择邮寄的买家,需要自承一切可能因邮递而引致损失的风险。 |
Purchasing and management of PPE and office supplies. Verification of account with suppliers every month.
员工个人防护用品和办公用品的采购和管理,及与供应商每月的账目核对。 |
Purchasing domestic equipments may reimburse the tax according to the self-management exportation tax rate.
采购的国产设备,可按自营出口退税。 |
Purchasing land was one way to invest surplus capitals with the principle and interest safeguarded against price inflation.
交租式与交地式土地典当的年利率,则分别为25.73%和23.49%。 |
Purchasing power has risen.
购买力增长了。 |
Purchasing power parity was developed by Swedish economist Karl Cassel.
购买力平价是由瑞典经济学家卡尔.卡瑟尔所研究提出。 |
Purchasing the office supplies and management on the janitor, drivers, canteen and landscaping, etc.
负责办公室用品的采购,保安、驾驶班、餐厅和通道安全的管理,绿化管理等。 |
Purchasing the shares of stock at the premium means that the buying price is beyond the face value.
溢价购买是指以超出股票面值的价格购买股票。 |