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There were white cotton curtains and blue hangings tied with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and marble pillars, as well as couches of gold and silver upon a pavement of porphyry, white marble, mother-of-pearl, and mosaics.

There were undertones of relief as the visitors left. 客人走後大家都暗暗松了口气.
There were very few church steeples that survived World War II in western Europe. 在二战期间很少有教堂的塔尖能保留下来。
There were violent disturbances in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶有几个激烈的骚动。
There were warnings before the fall of Atlantis - or should I saw the close of the Atlantean program of consciousness. 在亚特兰提斯的沉没之前有各种警告--或也许我看见了亚特兰提斯岛意识活动的终结。
There were whispers that you'd been killed.I've been living with unbearable dread. 有人说你被杀了.我一直活在无法忍受的恐惧中.
There were white cotton curtains and blue hangings tied with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and marble pillars, as well as couches of gold and silver upon a pavement of porphyry, white marble, mother-of-pearl, and mosaics. 6有白色棉织的幔子、蓝色的挂帐,用细麻绳、紫色绳系在银环和白玉石柱上,有金银的床榻摆在斑岩、白玉石、珠母、黑玉石铺的石地上。
There were whoops of approval by the customers. 顾客们发出赞同的呼喊。
There were wilted green vegetables, small pancakes, fired ginseng and lotus root, sweet potatoes, squares of tofu, crunchy seaweed chips –about 20 dishes in total, much more than even the hungriest could eat. 有萎蔫了的蔬菜、小煎饼、炒人参和莲藕、番薯、豆腐块、脆海苔片——总共约有20道,即使是饥肠辘辘的人也吃不完。
There were yesterday fresh claims in Italy that the CIA had deliberately deceived the authorities there over the whereabouts of a radical Islamic cleric whom the agency had in fact kidnapped. 昨天,意大利发表了个新声明,称中情局在一个激进穆斯林传教士的落脚点问题上故意欺骗了意大利政府,实际上这个穆斯林传教士已经被中情局所绑架。
There were, however, three rules guests had to follow: do not get drunk; do not swear or tell off-color jokes; sleep in separate bedrooms if an unmarried couple. 不过,有三条规矩客人必须遵守:不能醉酒;不能赌咒或开伤风败俗的玩笑;还没结婚的一对恋人要睡在不同的卧室。
There weren't enough chairs so I had to sit on the floor. 房间里的椅子不够, 我只好坐在地上.

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