But the sale of TIM, Italy's largest mobile operator, would be problematic.
但是,要卖掉意大利移动通讯公司这个意大利最大的移动电话运营商却困难重重。 |
But the sales volume of motor vehicles and parts fell 8.6% from a year earlied,as high oil prices reduced demand for such products.
但是汽车及零部件则下跌了8.6%,这是由于高油价抑制了对产品的需求。 |
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
到罗得出所多玛的那日、就有火与硫磺从天上降下来、把他们全都灭了。 |
But the same does not apply to women.
但这个“理论”并不适合女性。 |
But the scandal in Shanghai has aroused particular attention because of widespread public concerns about meagre pensions and unemployment benefits as well as the fast-rising cost of health care.
然而,养老金和失业救济金的贫瘠,以及看病花销的迅速攀升引起人们普遍的担忧,因此上海社保基金案尤为令人关注。 |
But the scars left by history are not easy to erase.
可是历史的伤痕是难以抹灭的。 |
But the scientists camped out near the Ross Ice Shelf had reason to believe that once the Ross ice streams carried away that region's one million cubic kilometers of ice, the rest of the sheet—including the area drained by the Ronne streams and part of th
不过,驻扎在罗斯冰棚附近的科学家有理由相信,一旦罗斯冰流携带走100万立方公里的积冰,其他冰原(包括隆内冰流与南极洲东部部份地区)也会随后跟进。 |
But the scoop has only enhanced the reputation of Bartiromo, possibly the best-known business journalist in the world.
这条爆炸性新闻唯独提高了巴蒂罗姆的声誉,而她,或许是全球最为著名的商业记者。 |
But the scrappy fossil record of early primates—mostly teeth and isolated skeletal bones—left researchers hard put to test these hypotheses.
但是,早期灵长类的化石记录(以牙齿和零散的骨骼居多)实在太少了,让研究人员难以验证这些假说。 |
But the sea in those old times, heaved, swelled, and foamed, very much at its own will, or subject only to the tempestuous wind, with hardly any attempts at regulation by human law.
但是那时候的大海,汹涌澎湃、掀浪卷沫,很大程度上是我行我素,或仅仅臣服于狂风暴雨,从来没有道接受人类法律束缚的念头。 |
But the sea still shone in the distance and the ship was plainly discernible.
可是,远处海水依然闪亮,船依然清晰可见。 |