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Israel calls the barrier a bulwark against Palestinian suicide bombers.

Israel and Western nations are expressing concern over Hamas' apparent victory in Palestinian parliamentary elections and warning they will not deal with the militant group unless it abandons violence. 以色列和西方国家对哈马斯显然在巴勒斯坦议会选举中获胜表示关切,并且警告说,他们不会与这个激进组织打交道,除非它放弃暴力。
Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. It goes into effect early Sunday. The ceasefire will end Israel's five-month offensive in Gaza. 以色列及巴勒斯坦已就加沙地带停火达成协议,该协议将于周日早间生效。这份协议将结束以色列对加沙地带长达五个月的进攻。
Israel and the Philistines drew up in battle array, army against army. 撒上17:21以色列人和非利士人都摆列队伍、彼此相对。
Israel and the militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon are escalating their attacks. 以色列及黎巴嫩的好战真主派之间的冲突正在升级。
Israel began the release of 159 Palestinian prisoners on Monday. 当天,以色列当局开始释放159名在押的巴勒斯坦人。
Israel calls the barrier a bulwark against Palestinian suicide bombers. 以色列称该隔离墙是防范巴勒斯坦自杀性爆炸袭击者的一道壁垒。
Israel considered Tyre to be a Hezbollah stronghold. 以色列一直坚持认为提尔是真主党游击队的一个据点。
Israel did after all invade Lebanon and occupy bits of it for 22 years. 的确,以色列入侵了黎巴嫩并占领其部分领土长达22年之久。
Israel failed in this work. 以色列民没有完成这项工作。
Israel fears the Arab state won't scale back off its nuclear ambitions unless consequences are feared. 以色列担心这个阿拉伯国家如果不收敛其核野心就将后患无穷。
Israel had captured the entire Sinai peninsula and the Gaza Strip. 以色列已经占领了整个西奈半岛和加沙地带.

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