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1 Inspect the convenience and reliability of all kinds of doors、windows、manhole covers、hatch .Inspect the closing of louver of funnel.

1 In other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news. 换句话说,编辑部规则存在一种常规的故事脚本,即准备支柱和现成的叙述结构,否则会造成新的混乱。
1 In the event that the parties hereto agree to make payment by letter of credit, the Buyer shall cause the opening bank to issue an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the Seller within 30 days prior to the latest shipment date provided by the Contr 1在双方约定以信用证为付款方式时,在合同规定的最晚装运日前30天,由买方通知开户银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,凭第5项单据条款规定的单据电汇付款。
1 In this chapter we offer arguments for the aforesaid fourfold division of order and for the interrelations that exist between essentially ordered terms. 1这一章中,我们将为秩序的上述四分法和被本质性规定的术语间的相互关系提供证明。
1 Indeed, until the bubble burst and the public turned nasty at the start of the decade, the cult of the celebrity chief executive seemed to demand bossly narcissism, as evidence that a firm was being led by an all-conquering hero. 事实上,直到十年前初始经济泡沫破碎,整个社会不断走下坡路,公司的主管名人开始寻求权威式的自恋,从而公司被一个全能型的英雄所领导.
1 Initiation—commiting the organization to begin the next phase of the project. 立项-证实组织开始项目的下个阶段。
1 Inspect the convenience and reliability of all kinds of doors、windows、manhole covers、hatch .Inspect the closing of louver of funnel. 检查各种门、窗、人孔盖、烟囱百叶窗、舱口盖操作的便利性和可靠性。检测烟囱百叶窗的闭合性。
1 Intelligence is normal andd reasonably consistent across various areas. 智力正常,在各个方面比较均衡。
1 Interior of fixture shall be white in color and constructed from high reflecting plastic enamel. 照明罩内部白色,高反射的塑料材质。
1 Inventor come up with ideas ,entrepreneurs make a business out of them:it's important to know where your abilities lie, as inventors can fail misetably (miserably) at running abusiness . 发明者想出点子,企业家将它们转化为商机:关键是明白自己的强项,因为如果让发明者做生意,他可能赔得很惨。
1 Is your car manual or automatic? 你的车是手动档的还是自动档的?
1 It calls for national leadership and new policies for health workers. It also urges more international assistance and foreign aid. 它呼吁能有一个为医疗健康工作者服务的国际领导集团及一些新的政策。同时它也呼吁更多的国际援助及外国医疗协助。

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