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Facing the serious ecological, social And spiritual crises of modern society, the Confucian's thought of Harmonyhas important inspiration and modem value on how to achieve coordination between man and nature, man and society, and human themselves.

Facing the park on Fifth Avenue are probably the most expensive apartments in the world. 第五大街上那些面对公园的公寓厅可能是世界上最昂贵的公寓了。
Facing the rapid changing of politic situation in the island, the work of opposing and controlling Taiwan in independencehas quickly become our core mission on Taiwan work in the re-cent years, and a main content of the new idea on Taiwan work of the cent 面对岛内政治形势的急剧变化,使反时和遏制“台独”蔓延迅速上升为近年来我们对台工作的核心任务,而中央对台工作新思维的一个主要内容,就是围绕上述核心任务大力加强涉台统一战线工作。
Facing the rapid development of higher education, in order to guarantee its healthy and sustainable development, and to properly deal with the relation among the scale, speed and finance, on the basis of The Condition Guideline for Regular Higher Educatio 摘要针对高等教育迅猛发展的形势,为确保学校健康和可持续发展,妥善处理发展规模及发展速度与资金保障的关系,通过对学校基本办学条件、基础资料、历年财务状况的分析和研究,对照教育部颁发的《普通高等学校基本办学条件指标(试行)》的要求,采用科学的测算方法,预测规划期办学资金总收入和总需求,测算学校的货款能力。
Facing the rapidly-changing weight-loss market, we will make brilliant achievements in the trade of weight-loss and cosmetology in China. 面对日新月异的减肥市场,必将为中国减肥美容业再创辉煌业绩。
Facing the reality that county level library resource is shortage commonly, the paper tries to guide them a kind of approach for free to gain resource, so as to make the county level library people who is confronted with difficult see one faint silk brigh 摘要面对县级图书馆普遍资源短缺的现实,本文试图给他们引导一种免费获取资源的途径,使面临困境的县级图书馆人看到一丝微弱的光亮。
Facing the serious ecological, social And spiritual crises of modern society, the Confucian's thought of Harmonyhas important inspiration and modem value on how to achieve coordination between man and nature, man and society, and human themselves. 面对现代社会严重的生态危机、社会危机、精神危机,如何实现人与自然、人与社会以及人自身的协调发展,儒家“和谐”思想具有重要的启迪意义和现代价值。
Facing the serious problem of unemployment in the capitalist system, John Maynard Keynes took solving the problem of unemployment as his purpose of writing his book The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. 摘要面对资本主义制度下具有严重威胁性的失业问题,凯恩斯把如何解决失业问题作为他写《就业、利息和货币通论》的目的。
Facing the situation that Confucianism was in a declining position in contrast to Buddhism and Daoism after the Ancient Style Prose Campaign initiated by HAN Yu (768-824), a large number of Confucian scholars, who bear the sense of responsibility for the 摘要古文运动以后,面对儒释道三教抗衡局面中儒学的式微,一大批秉持儒家道统担当情怀的知识分子孜孜矻矻地希求通过改构儒学以恢复儒家的正统地位。
Facing the social milieu variety trend that the network technique is changing the mankind life and the work method, it is our inevitable choice to adapt the developing request of the social personnel and establishing campus net. 摘要面临网络技术正在改变人类生活和工作方式的这种社会环境变化趋势,为了适应社会人才的培养要求,建立校园网是我们必然的选择。
Facing the telephone, the public viewpoints were varied remarkably and anyway, the popularizing of the telephone helped to push forward the renewing of the public thoughts and the modernization of their daily lives. 面对电话这个西方舶来品,晚清北京地区的社会大众呈现出迥然态度与复杂心理,反映出近代北京民众在社会心态领域里的新陈代谢。
Facing the trend of accelerated economic globalization, we hold that all countries, in particular, developing countries should take active part in the economic globalization process, grasping the opportunities to develop ourselves, and at the same time, p 面对经济全球化加速发展的趋势,我们认为,各国特别是发展中国家既要积极参与经济全球化进程,抓住机遇,发展自己;也要立足本国国情,发挥自身优势,扬长避短,趋利避害,迎接经济全球化的挑战。

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