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In the college administer the supervise of laboratory equipment is allimportant.It will conduce to elevation the criterion pitch about laboratory equipment supervise that we open out a suit of banausic system of laboratory equipment administer.Sequentiall

In the cold war, it was easy. 这在冷战时期是很容易的。
In the cold weather some of them hibernate. They go to sleep in all kinds of place. 它们有的在寒冷的天气里冬眠了。它们在各种各样的地方睡觉。
In the coldest flint there is hot fire. 冰冷的燧石里有烈火.
In the collected body of writing we call literature, there may be distinguished two separate groupings, capable of blending, but also fitted for reciprocal repulsion. 夫文献者,天下所书之集大成也,于其中迥然可识两门类,彼此既相融,亦互斥。
In the collective and unified dastan literature of the ?zbek of the old Jochi Ulus, comprising the current ?zbek, Kazak, Mangit-Nogay, and Baskurt, the following elements of ethics, moral qualities, and characteristics are discernible: exaltation of endea 在术赤乌鲁斯的月即别(组成了今天的乌兹别克,哈萨克,曼格特-诺盖与巴什基尔)的集体一致的史诗文学中,可以清楚的看到以下的民俗元素,道德品质与性格:勤奋的喜悦,随时准备为了保护荣誉而死,支持社会与国家为首要的原则,淡然面对困难,坚信在克服困难中的努力可以促进进步,愿意承担漫长而困难的旅途,妇女只期待具有这些品质的男人,高贵女子和母亲在社会上的地位高。
In the college administer the supervise of laboratory equipment is allimportant.It will conduce to elevation the criterion pitch about laboratory equipment supervise that we open out a suit of banausic system of laboratory equipment administer.Sequentiall 实验室器材管理是高校管理中非常重要的一环,开发一套实用的实验室器材管理系统将有助于提高实验室器材管理的规范程度,从而提高管理效率。
In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection. 在学院里我宣称忆起关于收集到度盘用方言进行的对话。
In the collision that formed it, the stars mostly missed each other and went speeding ahead, relatively unimpeded. 在形成子弹状星云团的撞击中,大多数恒星擦肩而过,且快速向前运动,几乎未受任何阻力。
In the colonial era, the various countries that had been permitted in the city divided up Shanghai; essentially it had been a treaty port. 在殖民时期,很多国家都过来瓜分上海,上海就变成了一个通商口岸。
In the column of Forum, HU Heng and WANG Qun analyse the historical transformation of the concept of avant-garde through art movements and examine the difference between avant-gardes in art and architecture. 在主题栏目中,胡恒和王群先生的文章主要从艺术运动方面分析了先锋概念的历史演变,提供我们理解“先锋”概念的大的背景,而且对比了建筑先锋派与艺术先锋派的不同。
In the column of Works, we feature some newly-built works as well as some proposals. 在作品栏目里,我们选择了新近建成的一些佳作和几个实验性的设计方案。

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