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Acromegaly was suspected from typical appearance, and confirmed with hormonal examination and imaging of the pituitary mass.

Acrimonious debate in Brussels reflects hard choices at the national level. 布鲁塞尔的唇枪舌战说明,欧盟各成员国也同样面临着艰难抉择。
Acrobatics , a world-renowned art ,is a Chinese significent scene which enjoys the similar reputation as the Chinese Great wall , Forbidden Palace and Terracotta Warriors . 杂技是一门世界性的艺术,是与中国长城、故宫、兵马俑齐名的中国奇观。
Acrobatics is world-wide art.It is also a chinese wonder,enjoying the same reputation with the Great wall ,the summer palace,etc. 据史料记载,吴桥杂技距今已有2000多年的历史,吴桥杂技艺人足迹遍布世界,50多个国家和地区。
Acrobatics takes a long time to learn. 杂技要用很长时间学习.
Acrobatics, a world famous art, is one of the Chinese wonders which also include Great Wall, Imperial Palace and Terracotta Army. 杂技是一门世界性的艺术,是与中国长城、故宫、兵马俑齐名的中国奇观。
Acromegaly was suspected from typical appearance, and confirmed with hormonal examination and imaging of the pituitary mass. 肢端肥大症的确切诊断乃住院中经由外表上特征的观察,血中贺尔蒙的检查及核磁共振图象的发现。
Acronomic Look: cool. I worship martial arts, and I'm just glad there's an assassin. 看起来很酷,我尚武,很高兴看到有刺客角色。
Acronym for Association Francaise de Normalisation. France's national standards-setting organization. 法国标准化协会的英文缩写。法国国家标准制定组织。
Acropetal Describing a process(such as growth or development) that progresses from the base or boint of attachment, so that the oldest parts are at the base and the youngest are at the tip. 向顶:描述植物器官生长或者发育的一个过程,这个过程是自下而上的,因此较年老的部分在底端,而幼小的部分在顶端。
Across America beekeepers are finding hives abandoned. 在全美范围,养蜂人发现蜜蜂都弃窝而走。
Across Asia, a woman dies from cervical cancer every four minutes. 在亚洲,每四分钟有一名女性死于子宫颈癌。

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