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Israeli forces shot five Hezbollah militants in two separate incidents.

Israeli Prime Minster Ariel Sharon says he believes conditions are right for historic progress toward peace with the Palestinians. 以色列总理沙龙说,他相信这些条件会对巴以间历史性的和平进程有利。
Israeli air strikes have killed several civilians in Lebanon, including at least 17 Syrian farm workers on the border in the Bekaa Valley. 包括在叙黎边境北卡谷地的至少17名叙利亚农民在内,以色列空袭已经导致多名黎巴嫩境内的平民丧生。
Israeli aircraft targeted buildings in Gaza City. 以色列飞机攻击了加沙市的建筑物。
Israeli and U.S. officials call Hamas a terrorist organization. 以色列和美国官员称哈马斯为恐怖组织。
Israeli forces plan to control over its strategic town in southern Lebanon that could serve as a base for a planned offensive. 以军计划控制黎巴嫩南部战略重镇以作为预定进攻的基地。
Israeli forces shot five Hezbollah militants in two separate incidents. 以军在两起单独的(冲突)事件中击毙了五名真主党武装分子。
Israeli intelligence claims it has detailed evidence proving that Yasser Arafat's West Bank compound is a refuge for some of the most wanted Palestinian terrorist suspects and a nerve centre for martyrattacks. 以色列情报部门宣称,它有确凿的证据证明,阿拉法特在约旦河西岸的住地,是一些被通缉的巴基斯坦涉嫌要犯的避难所和数次‘自杀性’袭击事件的指挥中心。
Israeli jets Friday struck several areas in southern Lebanon, near Beirut and the eastern Bekaa Valley. 以色列的喷气式飞机星期五攻击了黎巴嫩南部靠近贝鲁特和贝卡谷地的几个地区。
Israeli jets blast a Palestinian militant group base outside the Lebanese capital Beirut, hours after rockets fired from Lebanon hit a northern Israeli border town. 以色列喷气飞机袭击一个驻扎在黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特的巴勒斯坦武装组织,火箭在黎巴嫩点验几小时后袭击了以色列北部边境的一个小镇.
Israeli military officials say they captured a senior Hamas commander who was planning a suicide bombing on Yom Kippur. 以色列军方官员说,他们捕获了在赎罪日正在计划一个自杀爆炸的一个资深的哈马斯指挥官。
Israeli officals blamed Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for the boming,insisting he has done nothing to arrest terrorists operating from Plastinian-controlled territory and thereby implicitly given them permission to carry out attacks. 以色列官员指责巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特未对这些恐怖分子加以逮捕,事实上纵容了他们对以色列控制地区实施攻击。

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