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Two percent of HPMC appeared to be a satisfying suspending agent by evaluating the sedimentation rate and the redispersion of Nabumetone.

Two people remained in custody on suspicion of masterminding the scam and 13 other men -- most of them the grooms -- were still being sought. Police could not give their nationalities. 报道说,两名被怀疑是这场地下婚姻交易策划者的男子目前已被拘留,而涉嫌参与非法婚姻交易的其他13名男子(其中大部分都是买婚者)正在警方的搜捕当中。
Two people survived falling at least 50 feet off a cruise ship. 两人掉落到离游船至少五十英尺的地方并幸免于难。
Two people walk on a cross-country slope built on a snow-free field in southeast Switzerland. 瑞士东南部一处没有降雪的野地里,有两名路人走在越野滑雪坡道上。
Two people were taken to hospital in critical condition after being shot in the chest, Victoria state police said. 维多利亚州的警方称,两名伤者胸部中枪伤情严重被送往医院。
Two people with different backgrounds made use of the same media-film, to console the anxious public. 二个出身自不同背景的人,分隔遥远的异地,却选择利用同一媒体以不同的表现方式,为当时的人民纾解不安的困窘。
Two percent of HPMC appeared to be a satisfying suspending agent by evaluating the sedimentation rate and the redispersion of Nabumetone. 通过对其沉降体积比、再分散性指标的考察,筛选了2%HPMC助悬剂,并从流变学、混悬剂黏度及显微形态等方面对其稳定性进行了研究。
Two percent said they were very underweight, 1 percent said they were slightly underweight, 16 percent said they were just right and 42 percent said they were slightly overweight. 其中2%的肥胖者认为自己的体重远远不达标,1%的人说他们离标准体重还差点,16%的人说自己不胖不瘦,42%的人觉得自己只是有一点超重。
Two performance reviews (2500 words each) and two group reports (Power Point) are to be handed on designated dates. 修课同学应于每堂课前阅读并观看指定的材料,并积极参与课堂讨论。
Two perviorsly unseen paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have gone on public display for the first time in ltaly . 绘画大师来昂纳多达芬奇两副未曾露面的作品近日在意大利首次公开展出。
Two pieces of wood bonded together hold much more than the total of the weight held by each separately. 两根木棍绑在一起所承受的分量要比单独一根所承受的分量大得多。
Two pistol magazines with live ammunition. 两个装有实弹的手枪弹匣。

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