The not exceeding the expectationtype, if maintaining the same trend, will become saturated growth typeand stagnant growth type.
未达预期增长类型之乡镇,若长期维持相同情势,则将成为渐趋饱和增长,或增长停滞两种人口变动类型。 |
The one to onemethod of support vector machines was used in the research on classifying surrounding rocks.
摘要采用支持向量机“一对一”分类方法,研究了回采巷道围岩分类问题。 |
The open fieldactivity test is frequently used in behavioral pharmacology as well as in studies of brain and behavior.
「空旷地带」活动试验经常被使用在行为药物学方面和在大脑与行为的研究过程中。 |
The orderon the Light side is at the same time the freest and most oppressive system ever.
光明一方“秩序”同时也是自由和专制的系统。 |
The ordersform is nested within the body element of the customerform, as shown in Figure 2.
“订单”表单嵌套在“客户”表单的体元素内,入图2所示。 |
The parentsreferred to in this Law include natural parents and adoptive parents, as well as step-parents who supported or were supported by the decedent.
本法所说的父母,包括生父母、养父母和有扶养关系的继父母。 |
The performancecontinues when the orcas carousel feed, an activity only documented in the Norwegian population.
虎鲸的回转游动进食延续了这场「表演」,关于这种摄食行为的记载只见诸于挪威鲸群。 |
The problemsappeared during China's reform and opening-up in recent years are not concerned with the basic direction but there is doctrinein the problems; the problemsare shown in the economy and reflect defects of power-oriented political structure so po
摘要近年来,中国改革和发展中出现的“问题”不是改革开放基本方向的“问题”,但“问题”之中有“主义”;“问题”表现在经济上,反映的是以权力为中心的政治体制的弊端,必须加大政治体制改革的力度;政制改革要以锻造廉洁政府为主干工程,把有限集权与有序民主结合起来。 |
The realismof the rules don't make much difference in how fun an RPG is.
讲不讲求规则,对于能不能够从RPG中获得乐趣并不会有太大影响。 |
The reasonfor Mysterious Optimism could base on Utilitarianism. If Mysterious Optimism makes you feel better, why not?
神秘乐观不是也一样超越理性吗?李天命说得出神秘乐观而不是神秘悲观的理由吗? |
The reconstructedembryo is cultured and eventually returned to the returned to the womb of a foster mother and brought to term.
那个“重组的”胚胎被培养起来,最终被放回养母的子宫中孕育,直至足月分娩。 |