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No one was hurt in the explosion.

No one was actually dunk. 实际上没有人真醉了。
No one was at war with him during those years, for the Lord gave him rest. 国中太平数年,没有战争,因为耶和华赐他平7安。
No one was even wearing a mask. 甚至没有人戴口罩。
No one was excluded from sentry duty. 人人都得站岗放哨。
No one was excluded from sentry duty. 没有人被排除站岗责任。
No one was hurt in the explosion. 没有人在爆炸中受伤。
No one was hurt in the incident, a TAM spokeswoman said. TAM公司的一位女发言人表示,没有人在此次事故中受伤。
No one was hurt in the incident, a TAM spokeswoman said.TheFokker 100 plane with 79 people aboard en route to Rio deJaneiroreturned to the airport safely 18 minutes after takingoff. TAM公司的一位女发言人表示,没有人在此次事故中受伤。这架载有79名乘客的福克尔100飞机当时正打算飞往里约热内卢,因为这场突发事故它在起飞后18分钟又返回了机场。
No one was hurt, but at least six other homes in a half-block area were evacuated while geologists evaluated the widening hole. 没有人员伤亡,由于地质学家要测量地洞的大小,附近至少6所房子的住户已经被撤离。
No one was hurt, but her co-workers ostracized her afterward. 没有人受伤,但从此之后同事们都排斥她。
No one was injured in the shooting. 所幸此次枪击时间没有造成人员伤亡。

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