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I can't bear the stresses and strains of modern life.

I can't bear having a cat in the house. 家中养猫我受不了。
I can't bear him; he does everything at a snail's pace. 我真受不了他,他做什么事都磨磨蹭蹭。
I can't bear it.Superior Ai who developed Tibetan weapon services Datouniao? 实在是看不过去了,要藏武备振兴者爱爷给大头鸟擦皮鞋?
I can't bear such a cipher any longer. 我再也不能忍受这样一个无用的人了.
I can't bear the harshness of the noise. 我受不了这些刺耳的噪音。
I can't bear the stresses and strains of modern life. 我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。
I can't bear this dull life. 我受够了这种枯燥的生活。
I can't bear to see him treated like that. 我不忍见到他受到那样的对待。
I can't bear to see old people being maltreated by their own children. 10我不忍心看到老人受到他们亲生子女的虐待。
I can't bear violent European or American music. (我讨厌疯狂的欧美音乐。)
I can't bear with my wife's complaints. 我忍受不了我妻子的唠叨。

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