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The core mass of single-phase and three-phase distribution transformers with wound core is analyzed and calculated. The examples are given.

The core curriculum consists of accounting, statistics, management accounting, general management principles, marketing management, personnel management, financial management, manufacturing and operational management, and information management. 核心课程为「三计」:会计学、统计学、管理会计;「六管」:一般管理、行销管理、人力资源管理、财务管理、生产与作业管理、资讯管理。
The core elements of Professional Way methodology are a merging of self-awareness, cross cultural fusion, experiential learning, and adventure attitudes. 专伟的核心方法论有机结合了自我觉醒,跨文化融合,体验式学习以及探险的精神。
The core game already took us to several gritty, mostly urban locales, like offices, houses, a garage, a convenience store, and others. 核心游戏已经把我们带到了几个以城市为主场所,象办公室、住宅、车库、便利店等其它地方。
The core inflation rate, which excludes food and energy products, is a comfortable 1.7 per cent, although it is a mite chastening to note that it is 2.5 per cent in booming Alberta. 不包括食品和能源的通货膨胀只有1.7%,只有阿尔伯塔省的通货膨胀为2.5%,那也是因为那里的经济繁荣造成的。
The core issue between Pakistan and India is Kashmir conflict which has lasted for over half a century. 摘要克什米尔冲突一直是印度和巴基斯坦两国关系中的核心问题,半个多世纪以来克什米尔见证了印巴两国关系的曲折和反复。
The core mass of single-phase and three-phase distribution transformers with wound core is analyzed and calculated. The examples are given. 摘要对单相、三相卷铁心配电变压器的铁心质量进行了分析和计算,并给出了实例。
The core meaning of this sentence is for customers, the company will benefit them by providing complete and quality services; for shareholders, the company will achieve and maintain good performances in order to benefit investors with long term returns; f 这句话的核心含义是:对客户,要提供完善的服务和优质的业务;对股东,要创造和保持优良业绩,回报投资者长远利益;对员工,要营造员工合适的发展空间;对合作伙伴,要保持健康和谐的合作关系,实现互利互惠、合作共赢;对同业者,要共同维护健康的市场秩序,提升行业整体价值;对社会,要承担责任,时刻确保通信畅通,积极参与环保、教育等公益事业,服务和谐社会。
The core meanwhile will reach a temperature of 100 million degrees Kelvin, and the helium nuclei will begin fusing into carbon nuclei. 在此期间核心温度会达到1亿K,氦原子核将开始聚变成碳原子核。
The core measure excludes the volatile prices of energy and food. 核心数据排除了能源和食品价格的波动。
The core members of our team are from famous real estate and commercial corporate, ever service for many project of large-scale business real estate, and come out a standard operation system, which is insure the business real estate continuously operate. 团队核心成员均出自国内外著名地产及商业企业高层管理,服务过众多“商业地产大盘”及“国际名店”项目,多年实操形成了一套“独特、标准、实战”的运营管理系统,是“商业地产”及“零售业”运营管理的有力保障。
The core members' passion of the sourth section drived us, we pooled the wisdom and efforts of everyone and brought forward many ideas. 南校区这边核心会员的热情带动了我们工作人员,大家群策群力,不断出谋划策,提出了很多宝贵意见。

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