Xinhua says it is unclear who hired the thugs, but that police detained four employees of the Fuyuan Hydropower Development company after the attack.
新华社说,警察在攻击事件发生后拘留了水电站业主“富源水电开发公司”的四名雇员。 |
Xinhua says more than 49-thousand homes have collapsed and another 240-thousand were damaged by the torrential rains, which began June 28th.
新华社说,由于6月28号开始的骤雨,有4万9千多所房屋倒塌,另外24万所房屋受损。 |
Xinhua says offenders should be sternly punished.
新华社说,犯事者应该严惩。 |
Xinhua says the charges range from taking large bribes to leading decadent lifestyles.
新华社说,这些人受到巨额受贿和生活腐化等指控。 |
Xinhua says the government also plans to test 100 pilot water-saving projects within the next three years and use the best ones throughout China.
新华社说,政府还计划在今后3年里试行100个节水项目,并在全国推广最有效的方法。 |
Xinhuang County Yelangchun Distillery is a key enterprise of Xinhuang County with fixed assets of 2.8 million yuan and annual output of 40 tons.
新晃夜郎春酒厂拥有固定资产280万元,是一家集农、工、贸于一体的新型县级龙头企业,年产量已达40余吨。 |
Xinjian Industry Park,city of Yixing is located in the north-west of Yixing.It's the golden area at the interseetion of four cities of Yixing/Wujin/Jintan and Liyang.YiJin road and Xinfeng River run through the Industry Park in north-south direction.Chang
宜兴市新建工业园位于宜兴市西北,是宜兴、武进、金坛、溧阳、四市交界的黄金地带,宜金公路、新运河纵贯工业园南北,常溧公路紧靠工业园北侧,工业园总规划面积8平方公里,首期启动面积4平方公里,实现了“七通一平”,是江苏省示范工业区之一、无锡市重点工业园,其水陆交通便捷,投资环境优越,是投资创业的理想场所。 |
Xinjiang Country enjoys a long glorious history in the handicraft industry.
新绛县手工业有着悠久而光荣的历史。 |
Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar is one window of Xinjiang to the world and also one door to travel and trade.
新疆国际大巴扎是新疆面向世界的一扇窗,也是通往旅游商贸的一座门。 |
Xinjiang Ming Fashi industry, Xinjiang three and the stone industry limited main corporation was located in outside the Xinjiang urumchi the transport corporation stone material market, the company creates in 1988.
新疆明发石业、新疆三和石业有限总公司设在新疆乌市外运司石材市场,公司创于1988年。 |
Xinjiang Production &Construction Corps is also the key component of Xinjiang.
新疆生产建设兵团也是新疆的重要组成部分。 |