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I am still not 100 per cent and I am going home to rest.

I am selling roses,he said. Do you want any? They are quite cheap. One shilling for a big bunch. They are fresh. I picked them this afternoon. “我是卖花的,”男孩说,“你要买花吗?便宜极了,1先令买一大把,花很新鲜,是今天下午才摘下来的。”
I am sicking any entry-level position. 我厌倦任何初级职务。
I am so tired, I can't do anythingtranslated into Martian means I have been doing so much today. 若没有这样翻译,当女人说:“我累得什么事也不能做。”
I am spinning,said the old woman, nodding her head. 「纺纱。」老太婆回答说,接着又点了点头。
I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me; as my strength was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in. 书14:12求你将耶和华那日应许我的这山地给我.那里有亚衲族人、并宽大坚固的城、你也曾听见了.或者耶和华照他所应许的与我同在、我就把他们赶出去。
I am still not 100 per cent and I am going home to rest. “我的状态还不是百分之百,我要回家去休养。”
I am sure I will fight for my place. “我肯定我会为我的位置而努力的。”
I am the Alpha and the Omega,says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. 8主神说,我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛(阿拉法俄梅戛乃希腊字母首末二字),是昔在今在以后永在的全能者。
I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images. 赛42:8我是耶和华、这是我的名.我必不将我的荣耀归给假神、也不将我的称赞归给雕刻的偶像。
I am the captain of your train, and we will be departing shortly. We will be cruising at an altitude of approximately zero feet. 我是您本次列车的机长,我们将很快出发。我们将在大约0英尺的高度巡航。
I am the color of royalty and power. 我是王权和力量的象征。

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