In this model, cooperation, relevance and adaptation are represented as different types or degrees; experiential canvas is mainly based on the stereotypical relationship; the inferential mechanism is the Multi-Level Quadratic Ostensive Inference.
在该模式中,合作、关联、顺应均有层级之分,经验框架以“常规关系”为主要依据,推理机制是多级-二步明示推理。 |
In this model, players have limited memories, such as of the daily change in a market index, and must choose one of two alternatives at each step of the game—for instance, whether to buy or sell a commodity.
在这种模型当中,参与的成员只有有限的记忆,好比某市场指数的每日变化,而他们必须在游戏中的每一步,从两个选择当中择一而行;譬如说,到底要还是不要卖掉某项商品。 |
In this model, the optimal location of a shopping mall is determined by the capitalist, and the price is determined by the dealer.
购物中心之厂址及厂商家数由购物中心老板(简称资本家)决定,价格则由厂商极大化利润决定。 |
In this moment, we have nine untouchable players because the way they play.
现在鉴于队员的表现,我们有9个铁打不动的主力队员。 |
In this month's Archives of Pediatrics, the results of a study are published which suggest that children who start eating breakfast,when previously they didn't ,show acadmic, emotional and social improvement.
在这个月出版的〈儿科学档案〉杂志上发表的一项研究成果表明,以前不吃早餐的儿童如果开始吃早餐,他们的学习成绩及情绪和社交能力都有所改善。 |
In this month's budget, his government offered extra money to Quebec in a transparent effort to show that federalism can work.
在本周的预算案中,哈珀政府为魁北克省提供了多余的资金,通过这一透明途径告诉大家,联邦主义也是行得通的。 |
In this month, you didn't come to company for many times, excluding those you spent on business outside, but you haven't submitted any written application till now.
在本月你有相当多的时间没有返回公司(不包括你外出办事的时间),但至今仍没看到你任何的书面申请。 |
In this more global framework, it would be surprising if the characteristic parameters of the slow instabilities that span a large range of scales (duration, dimension and amplitude) did not obey a power-law distribution, just as earthquakes do.
在这种更加全球化的框架下,如果跨越很大标度〔期间、尺寸大小和放大倍数〕的缓慢的不稳定性因素的特性指标不遵循动力法则分布,象地震进行的那样,那才令人奇怪呢。” |
In this movie, at first, you will see how Chow-Yun-Fatt transformed from an irresponsible guy to a good guy that taking care of his son.
首先,你会看到周大哥怎么饰演一个吊而郎当的流氓,到坐牢后的悔疚,抚育儿子的辛苦,对儿子的爱惜,到最后牺牲自己的性命。。。 |
In this much-travelled world, there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists.
在这个旅游频繁的世界上,仍有成千上万个游人足迹未至的地方。 |
In this nail biting doomsday thriller, celebrated author Daniel Koontz tells the story of a community cut off from the outside while the entire world is under siege by a malicious alien force.
在这部扣人心弦的末日论惊险小说中,著名作家丹尼尔·孔兹讲述的故事是关于一个社区在全世界都受到外星邪恶势力的围攻之时,却与外部世界失去了联系。 |