First, let's deal with the implausibility of the official Chinese statistics.
首先,让我们来分析一下令人难以置信的中国官方统计数据。 |
First, let's dig holes and put the young trees in the holes. Then put the earth back and step lightly on it.
首先,让我们挖了洞然后把小树放在洞里。然后把土盖上和轻轻踩一下。 |
First, let's look at the Without a Traceepisode that triggered the staggering fines that may have played a role in the genesis of the networks' suit.
首先,让我们来看一下涉及惊人罚款的《寻人密探组》情节,也许它在广播电视公司的诉讼中扮演着导火线的角色。 |
First, let's take a look at the PS2's bus and cache layout.
让我们先来看看PS2的总线和缓存布局吧。 |
First, look for a sense of inevitability about the sin......Second, scrutinize pleas you make to excuse and tolerate a sin within you......Third, note the frequency with which sin eludes mortification......Fourth, determine if you argue against sin only b
(首先,面对罪恶感……第二,仔细省察自己怎样为容忍里面的罪所做的辩解……第三,数一数未能克服的罪之频率……第四,看看自己是否仅仅因为怕受惩罚而为罪狡辩……第五,省察上帝的管教是否反而使你的心刚硬……第六,小心罪以免你的心从上帝那里偏离了……如果这样的话,唯一的出路就是祷告与禁食。) |
First, make sure the mailbox at your home has a lock on it.
首先,确定您住家的信箱上面有锁。 |
First, market liquidity is enhanced.
首先,有利于提高市场的流动性。 |
First, marriage was the norm for a woman's career.
男女之防旣不严格,六朝妇女便享有相当自由参加社交活动。 |
First, may from the western law thought angle of view cognitionmethod society standard idea; Next, may carefully examine the economicrules and regulations from the legal rational angle of view the socialstandard characteristic; Once more, may from the adj
首先,可以从西方法律思想的视角认知法的社会本位理念;其次,可以从法律理性的视角审视经济法的社会本位特征;再次,可以从毗邻学科的视角探索经济法的社会本位内涵.社会本位是经济法的根本性质,也是经济法区别于传统的民商法和行政法的根本标志.经济法只有坚持社会本位的价值理念,才能完成时代赋予它的历史使命。 |
First, more countries have grown faster following fiscal retrenchment, which has removed uncertainty about the future, than countries that have pursued expansionary fiscal policies.
首先,与曾经采用过扩张性财政政策的国家相比,通过财政节支,排除未来的不确定因素,后来实现加速增长的国家为数更多。 |
First, most new applications can be created using existing software and protocols.
第一,更多应用现有软件与协议的新软件将会不断涌现。 |