Policeman: There have been complaints about the noise. You are going to have to turn the music down.
警察:有投诉说这里有噪音。你们必须得把音乐调小了。 |
Policeman: Your name is on the lease?
警察:你的名字在租约上? |
Policeman:(approaches the suspect and kicks the gun away) Put your hands up, and spread 'em.
走近嫌疑犯,把枪踢开)把手举起来,四肢分开。 |
Policeman:(frisks the suspect) Now get down on the floor.
推了一下嫌疑犯)现在蹲在地板上。 |
Policemen and judges enforce the law.
警察与法官执行法律。 |
Policemen and judges uphold the majesty of the law.
警察和法官维护法律的权威。 |
Policemen and lawyers are among the injured.
受伤的人包括警察和律师。 |
Policemen and policewomen work at a police station.
男女警员在警察局工作。 |
Policemen are blowing their whistles again and again to stop the traffic or to hurry it along.
警察一再吹著哨子来制止交通或催促前进。 |
Policemen attrested up 8 salers who falsificated and selled matriculate notes in the begining of this month.
警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假大学录取通知书的人. |
Policemen don't spend all their time chasing villains, you know!
警察并不把所有的时间花在抓恶棍上,你知道吗! |