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KING: Do you like gag orders?

KILLER'S KISS paints a vivid portrayal of Kubrick's unique brand of romance and violence. 独行杀手天若有情,寇比力克在黑色电影类型中灑上火热激情,电光火石。
KIM JONG IL, North Korea's dictator, has interests in modern technology beyond his dabbling in nuclear weaponry. 北朝鲜的独裁者金正日除开对核武器“有所涉猎”外,对现代科技也是饶有兴趣。
KIND means forgiving, warm-hearted, friendly, of a sympathetic or helpful nature, gentle, merciful, and tender. Kind意思是宽大的、热心的、友好的、有同情心的或是乐于助人的天性、文雅的、仁慈的和温柔的。
KINESIUM\'s properties make it an ideal material for a very light, tough and responsive road frame, AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE. KINESIUM的性能使它成为生产公路车架(非常轻和强硬)的理想材料,在一个可以令人接受的价格上。
KING: Anyone you called you regretted? 有证人你失望么?
KING: Do you like gag orders? 对禁声令怎么看?
KING: Do you like jurors who take notes? 你对陪审团作笔记这点怎么看?
KING: If you ain't going, get off. 如果你没有走,你也会离开。
KING: Now, you've flown a lot since, have you not? 这以后,你又多次乘作飞机,是吗?
KING: Was the family easy to deal with for you? They're such a tight-knit group. 他的家庭好相处么?他们可是个紧密的团体。
KING: What's the first thing you thought? 你首先想到的是什么?

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