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But certain combinations of supplements seemed to be more dangerous, the researchers said.

But cast away the thirst after books, that thou mayest not die murmuring, but cheerfully, truly, and from thy heart thankful to the gods. 不可迷恋书本,如此你到临死,才不会仍在喃喃自语,而是快乐地、真诚地、发自心底地感谢诸神。
But catastrophic change is dangerous, even when it's bringing down a system people detest. 但突如其来的巨变也充满着危险,即使它会扫除一个人人厌憎的政权。
But cats are certainly intelligent enough to identify a species that will pet them, ply them with30) toys and wake up at the crack of dawn to feed them. 但猫儿们确实足够聪明,可以认出一种会宠爱它们、不停给它们买玩具并在天刚亮就起床给它们喂食的物种。
But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep. 但是猫能够经得起长时间的不活动,因为它们用在吃东西上的时间很少,而且睡觉时也不大可能受攻击。
But caution: During your animal adventure inexorably the moon clock up to the next conversion ticks! 但要小心:在你作为动物冒险期间,月亮时钟会滴答走个不停!
But certain combinations of supplements seemed to be more dangerous, the researchers said. 某些成分的组合似乎更加危险,研究人员说。
But certain stars, called pulsars, give off regular pulses of radio waves. 但有些恒星,所谓的脉冲星,会有规律地发出射电波脉冲。
But certain unique characteristics of the 1918 pandemic have long remained enigmatic. 不过,1918年的大流行有几个特点,还是未解的谜。
But chemical mordants such as alum are popular today. 但化学腐蚀剂如明矾今天已经十分普遍。
But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. 10那些随肉身,纵污秽的情欲,轻慢主治之人的,更是如此。他们胆大任性,毁谤在尊位的也不知惧怕。
But chlamydiae somehow compel their entry vacuoles to avoid lysosomes, enabling the bacteria to proliferate freely while separated physically from the rest of the infected cell. 不过,披衣菌却有办法让进入细胞的囊泡避开溶小体,使披衣菌与受感染细胞的其他部份隔离,而能自由增殖。

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