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However, in the wrong circumstances fair-value accounting could also induce wasteful sales—of long-term, illiquid loans.

However, in the process of pursuing artistic innovations, things like innovation for the sake of making innovation, separation from tradition, blind adherence to Western ideas and sided pursuit of forms should be carefully handled, for they may bring abou 但在追求艺术创新的过程中,所出现的单纯求新、割裂传统、盲目西化和片面追求形式等倾向将把艺术创新引入误区,应该加以警惕。
However, in the rich but dangerous trades into the Mediterranean and the West Indies, more costly ships were required. 而地中海与西印度群岛地区赚头大而凶险高的贸易则需要造价昂贵的轮船。
However, in the social context that the power of modernization is spreading into villages, traditional rice-fish system is facing threats due to the concept of modern agriculture. 在现代化的力量日益向农村渗透的社会语境下,传统的稻田养鱼体系受到现代农业观的冲击。
However, in the vast majority of cases I'd whole-heartedly agree that kata is impractical and ineffective! 它更多地是与现行办法在卡塔接洽,并实行.
However, in the wake of the European Trendlasting more than a decade, the Chinese market consciously or unconsciously seeks for the local context and culture in the trend. 但在经-历过十几年的“欧陆风”之后,中国市场又自觉或不自觉地将风向转向寻找本土根脉和文化上来。
However, in the wrong circumstances fair-value accounting could also induce wasteful sales—of long-term, illiquid loans. 但是,在错误的情况下公允价值可能引起不经济的卖出长期非流动贷款。
However, in their new works the tendency of individual freedom ethical narration is worth praising. 不过,观照新生代的新作,由此所体现的个体自由伦理叙事的倾向,还是值得称道的。
However, in these areas of legal protection, system structure, transfer, payment of peasant worker's social old-age insurance system, there are defects and problems. 而当前的农民工社会养老保险制度在法律保障、制度结构、地域转移、缴费比例等方面都存在一定的缺陷和问题。
However, in this improvisational poem, the poet absorbs the experience of other distinguished poets such as Whitman, Blake, Williams and Pound as well as the other kinds of art. 然而,这首即兴之作是借鉴了惠特曼,布莱克,威廉斯和庞德等其他杰出诗人与其它门类艺术的结果。
However, in this process, people's understanding and practice deviate frequently from the essence of Taylor Theory, consciously or unconsciously, producing all sorts of doubts. 在此过程中,人们的认识与实践自觉或不自觉地偏离了泰罗制的宗旨而产生种种疑惑。
However, in those who were treated after 6 weeks period, the incidence of joint stiffness, nor union and cubitus valgus deformity was quite high. 对于陈旧性骨折,若仍在六星期内给予治疗,外观及功能均仍可接受。

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