Huntington dry cleaning, three shirts, clean press , no starch . Thanks, Dad, that's my third wish.
亨廷顿干洗店,三件衬衫,清净熨挺,不要上浆。谢谢老爸,那是我的第三个愿望。 |
Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited disease causing the death of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Its effects are progressive, affecting both mind and body.
亨廷顿氏病(简称HD)是一种可以导致大脑中产生多巴胺的细胞死亡的,可遗传的疾病。病情会日益加重,同时影响大脑和身体。 |
Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease are related movement disorders that have seemingly opposing symptoms.
汉丁顿症以及帕金森氏症两者为相关但表面上却有相反病徵的的运动障碍。 |
Huntington's disease is a genetic disease marked by a decline in cognitive functions, including memory loss and disorientation, the onset of uncontrolled movements and impaired motor skills.
亨廷顿症是一种遗传病,其典型症状是认知机能出现衰退,具体包括记忆丢失,方向知觉丧失,无序行为发作以及运动神经机能衰退。 |
Huntington, Samuel P. The Coming Clash of Civilizations: Or, the West Against the Rest.New York Times, June 6, 1993, p. E19.
着,<文明即将面临之冲突:或,西方对抗世界其他各国>,《纽约时报》,1993年6月6日,第E19页。 |
Huntoon, who is 42 and lives near Wichita, Kan.
42岁居住在堪萨斯州维吉塔市的霍顿夫人如是说。 |
Huntsman Polyurethanes Shanghai Ltd. is a large world-class facility invested by Huntsman in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park in 2003, as part of the Integrated Isocyanates Project whose total investment is USD1.1 billion.
2003年亨斯迈集团在上海化学工业区投资建造具有世界级规模的化工公司--上海亨斯迈聚氨酯有限公司,它是总投资为十一亿美元的联合异氰酸酯项目的一部分。 |
Huntsman Textile Effects (China) Limited Company will serve as a regional operating hub, with a state of the art Research and Development Center, Technical Center, Training Center and a manufacturing facility.
亨斯迈纺织染化(中国)有限公司作为区域运营中心,旗下拥有科技领先的研发中心,技术中心,培训中心和一个制造点。 |
Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated and commodity chemicals.
亨斯迈是精细化学品及通用化学品的全球制造商及营销商。 |
Huntsman: Run away, my poor child ,to the forest far away.
猎人:逃吧,我可怜的孩子,往森林里跑. |
Huntsman: There is no mistake! The Queen is jealous of your beauty.
猎人:我没弄错!皇后嫉妒您的美貌. |