Cleared to land, cross wind from your left 20 knots, land with caution.
可以降落,左侧风20哩,降落注意。 |
Cleared to land, surface wind 360, 18 knots steady.
允许降落,地面风360度18哩稳定。 |
Cleared to line-up (take the runway) and hold.
允许进入跑道等待。 |
Cleared to make full stop landing.
允许做全停降落。 |
Cleared to proceed to the dump area.
允许飞往放油区。 |
Cleared to return to the apron.
允许返回停机坪。 |
Cleared to take-off at pilot's own discretion.
准许由机长自行决定起飞。 |
Cleared to taxi out follow central taxi strip.
可以沿中央联络道滑出。 |
Cleared to taxi to the end of runway 03 and standby until further instructions.
同意滑到21号跑道头,等待进一步通知。 |
Cleared to taxi via intersection No4 and 6 to the holding point of R/W03.
允许通过4号和6号交叉口进入13号跑道等待位置。 |
Cleared to the holding point for runway 03 via the Trident apron.
允许通过三叉戟停机坪到达03号跑道等待位置。 |